Dimensional Motion
Momentum & Impulse
Rotational Dynamics & Torque
Change in x over change in y, or the rate at which displacement changes.

What is velocity?

Tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion.

What is inertia?

The product of an object's mass and velocity.
What is linear momentum?

360 degrees in a circle or 1 complete revolution.

What are 2π radians? 


The only subatomic particle that gets transferred in electrostatic interactions.

What are electrons?


9.81 m/s^2

What is Earth's gravitational force?


If an object is not at rest, and it is not moving at a constant speed.

What are unbalanced forces?


Objects collide without distortion or loss of energy from the system.

What is an elastic collision?


The number of rotations per second.

What is frequency?


The measure of the rate of electrons flowing through a circuit, and the change in electric potential energy per unit of charge?

What are current and velocity?


A velocity versus time graph with a horizontal line.

What is an object with constant velocity?


The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force and inversely proportional to the mass (force = mass x acceleration).

What is Newton's second law?


Two cars collide, they stick together, and cease moving almost immediately.

What is an example of a perfectly inelastic collision?


Tendency of a force to rotate on some fixed axis.

What is torque?


The ratio between the voltage applied to the current flowing through it.

What is resistance?


A plane travelling with a horizontal velocity of 100 m/s is 500 m above the ground. At some point the pilot drops the supplies to the ground, they fall for 10.1 seconds.

What is 1,010 meters?


A hockey puck has a coefficient of kinetic friction of μk = 0.10. If the puck is affected by a normal force (FN) of 5 N.

What is a frictional force of 0.5 Newtons?


A child in a boat throws a 6.40 kg package out horizontally with a speed of 10 m/s. It was initially at rest. The mass of the child is 26 kg and the mass of the boat is 45 kg. Ignore water resistance.

What is a velocity of -0.9 m/s?


A uniform solid disc of mass 2-kg and radius 0.1 m when a net torque of 10 N.m is applied. Assume the disc spins about its center. (moment of inertia for solid disk: 1=1/2MR^2)

What is a moment of inertia of 1,000 rad/sec^2?


The voltage of a circuit that draws 0.2 A of current through a 4800 Ω resistance.

What is 960 V?


A projectile is launched at 60 degrees at 25 m/s. It's horizontal velocity is 12.5 m/s.

What is a vertical velocity of 21.7 m/s?


A 0.0048 kg bullet traveling at a speed of 400 m/s penetrates into a large wooden fence post. The average resisting force exerted on the bullet was 4.5x103 N.

What is the bullet went 8.5 centimeters?


A 9,300 kg boxcar traveling at 15.0 m/s strikes a second boxcar at rest. The two stick together and move off with a speed of 6.0 m/s.

When the mass of the second boxcar is 14,000 kg?


A downward force of 50 N is applied at the end of a wrench handle that is 24 cm long.

What is a torque of 12 Nm?


The separation of two charges with +7.0 μC and -2.5 μC, with a force between the two of 2.5 x 102 N.

What is 0.025 meters?