This is a scalar quantity calculated by the ratio between distance traveled and the amount of time it takes to do it.

What is average speed?
(velocity is a vector, so it needs a direction)


This is one of the variables used to calculate momentum and it's the only one that doesn't have a direction.

What is mass?


The total of this physical quantity has to be zero for momentum to be conserved.

What is impulse?


This is the name for the SI unit for energy (kg.m²/s²), given in honor of a english physicist and mathematician.

What is joule?


It occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in an hour.

What is the letter M?


This is the rate of change of velocity of an object with respect to time, with a SI unit of m/s². Gravity heavily associated with this concept.

What is acceleration?

(Actually, average acceleration! It's just that for our problems, the acceleration is pretty much always constant...)


This is the SI unit for momentum. One of the ways it can be expressed is newton-seconds (N.s)

What is kg.m/s?

If there is this kind of force in a system, momentum is not conserved.

What is external force?


This is a specific type of energy which has to do with an object's capacity to move - even though it may or may not be actually moving.

What is mechanical energy?


This is how many times can you subtract five from twentyfive?

What is once?


Without this, there is no way to tell if an object is moving or at rest.

What is a frame of reference?


This is what happens to the momentum of an object when it receives an impulse.

What is change?


These kinds of forces don't cause change in momentum - fact explained by one of the Newton's Laws of Motion.

What is internal forces?


An object with this type of energy has the capacity to move even though it's not moving at this moment.

What is potential energy?


This is an the next letter of the sequence:

O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, N

What is T?


In a horizontal or angular projectile motion, this quantity is zero at the highest vertical point.

What is vertical velocity?


This is the mathematical relationship between impulse and momentum, also known as the Impulse-momentum Theorem.

What is I = Δp?

(or J = Δp?)


Because of the conservation of momentum, this is what happens to a gun when a bullet is shot, or what happens to a rocket when it's fired up.

What is recoil?

(Well, in the case of a rocket we don't that term, but if you think about it that is what happens.)


This is one of the two variables used to calculate kinetic energy. It could be argued it's the most important one out of the two, as it affects the amount of kinetic energy in a higher mathematical degree.

What is speed?

(Remember: energy is a scalar, which means it has no direction, so it doens't really take into account the velocity - only the speed.)


This is an object which the man who invented it doesn't want it, the man who bought it doesn't need it and the man who needs it, doesn't know it.

What is a coffin?


This geometrical quantity is used in motion graphs of velocity vs time to calculate the total distance traveled in an object's movement.

What is area?


This is the quantity that increases thanks to the airbag system of a car in the event of a crash. The increase of this quantity results in the decrease of the force recieved by the passagers.

What is time?


This is the direction of the third part of a bomb that exploded into three parts, where the first part went north and the second part went west.

What is southeast?


This is one of the most fundamental principles of physics and is a pillar for explaining most of the natural phenomenons we experience. It states something about energy in the universe.

What is conservation of energy?


This is the number of handshakes there is between seven people that meet each other and each shakes hands only once with each of the others. 

What is 21?