Kinematic Equations
Projectile Motion

True or false?

Below are the three kinematic equations

vf= vi+at

d= vit+1/2at^2

v^2f= vi^2+2ad



All free falling objects experience an acceleration of ____

9.81 m/s^2


What are push or pull forces known as?

Applied forces


Momentum is dependent upon these two quantities 

What is mass and velocity?


The force of gravity on an object is it’s ____

What is weight?


True or false?

If two objects of equal mass are released at the same time from the same height, the one that was launched horizontally rather than simply dropped vertically will reach the ground first.

False! Both objects will reach the ground at the same time.


What are the four things a force can cause an object to do?

slow down, speed up, change direction, change shape


The longer the time of collision the ___ the force acting on the object



In the equation, Fg= Gm1m2/r^2, what would happen to Fg if both masses were doubled?

Fg quadruples


A ball is thrown upwards. It experiences an acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2 when falling back down. What acceleration does it experience in the upward direction?

-9.81 m/s^2


A Barbie doll is pulled by one girl with a force of 5 N to the right and by another girl with a force of 12 N to the left. Calculate the resultant force.

Fnet= 7 N to the left


Find the momentum of a 5 kg toy car traveling at a speed of 35 m/s

175 kg x m/s


An elephant is running away from a group of mice at a rate of 20m/s. After running for a total of 3 minutes the elephant decreases his speed to 15m/s, when the mice start falling behind. Calculate the elephants rate of acceleration.

-0.03 m/s^2


A rake is thrown from the top of a house at a rate of 5m/s towards Mike who is standing 20 m from the base of the house. Calculate the total amount of time it takes the rake to reach Mike after being thrown.

4 seconds


Which object has the greater intertia?

an 65 kg elephant moving at 2 m/s or a 10 kg chair being pulled at 17 m/s

What is the chair?


A 1,000 kg car traveling at 40m/s suddenly comes to a stop for a squirrel running across the street in 2.5 seconds. How many g’s does the car experience?

1.63 g’s


A ball is dropped from the top of a 200 m building. What is the ball’s velocity as it hits the ground?

62.64 m/s


A rock is thrown off of a cliff and lands on the ground 100m from the edge of the 60m cliff. What is the rocks initial velocity when it was thrown?

28.59 m/s


The Statue of Liberty (204116.57 kg) is on a steel podium and a truck tries to move it. What is the minimum force that the truck needs to move it with?

1,061,263.29 N, we don’t think the truck could accomplish this alone ;)


A 5kg handgun fires a 0.05 bullet. If the bullet travels at a rate of 10,000 m/s, what is the rate at which the handgun recoils?

-100 m/s