Motion In 1 Dimension
Newtons Laws
Momentum, Work, and Power
Dimensional analysis and order of magnitude
Motion In 2 Dimensions
A runner sprints 400 m East and finishes the race in 40 seconds. What is the runners velocity?
10 m/s
What is newtons 1st, 2nd, and 3rd law?
Newtons 1st law: all objects in motion remain in constant motion, object at rest will remain at rest. Inertia is mass. Newtons 2nd law: the net force of an object is equal to the mass of an object, multiplied by acceleration F=ma. Newtons 3rd law: every action is equal but opposite in direction.
An object traveling at 10.0 m/s has a momentum of 22 kg m/s. What is the mass of the object?
2.2 kg
Write 0.002 in scientific notation.
2X10 -3
Make a list of all the UAM's
Vf = Vi + at d = 1/2 (Vi + Vf)t d = Vit + 2ad Vf2 = Vi2 + 2ad
Determine the speed of a car if it is traveling 5m in 2.0 seconds.
2.5 m/s
A women pushes on a shopping cart that has a mass of 25 kg. It accelerates to the right at 3.0 m/s2. What is the magnitude of the force applied by the woman.
A 1,500 kg car travels east across a level straight road at 20 m/s. What will the cars velocity after 30,000 Ns westward impulse be applied to the car?
-20 m/s
Convert 6.0 X 10^8 g into kg
6.0 X 10^5 kg
A toy rocket is launched straight up and reaches a height of 200 meters. How long was the rocket in the air for?
12.78 s
A truck with an initial speed of 10 meters per second accelerates uniformly at 4.0 meters per second2 for 5.0 seconds. What is the total distance traveled by the truck during this 5.0-second interval?
100 m
A block has a mass of 20 kg placed on a smooth horizontal plane is pushed with a force of 26N parallel to the plane. What is the acceleration of the block?
1.3 m/s2
A 4.0 kg cart is accelerated uniformly from rest to a speed of 4.0 m/s in 2s. What is the magnitude of the force producing this acceleration?
Velocity is determine y the formula v=d/t. What are the fundamental units used to measure velocity.
A plane flies South at 200 km/hr through a wind of 90 km/hr East. What is the planes velocity relative to the ground?
219 km/hr
A ball is dropped out a window and falls to the ground. If air resistance is negligible, how long does it take the ball to fall 20 meters?
2.02 s
A horizontal force of 9N acts on an object that rests on a level frictionless surface on earth, where the object has a weight of 90N. a) Draw a FBD b) What is the weight of the object? c) What is the acceleration of the object?
b) 9.17 kg c) .981 m/s2
A student lifts a box of books weighing 200N. The box is lifted 1.000m. How much work does the student do?
200 J
A 6.0 m ladder leans against a building, making a 70° angle with the ground. How high up the building does the ladder reach?
5.64 m
Henry runs at 20 m/s off a 40 m high cliff. a) How long will Henry be in the air for? b) How far from the base of the cliff does he land?
a) 2.86 s b) 57.2 m
A jet plane, capable of uniformly accelerating at 20.5 m/s2, needs to reach a speed of 220 m/s to become airborne. What is the minimum length needed for the runway?
1180 m
Two sled dogs pull on a 15 kg box. Dog A pulls left with a force of 20 N. Dog B pulls right with a force of 12N. a) Draw a BD b) What is the weight of the box? c) Determine the net force on this box. d) Determine the acceleration of this box.
b) 147.15N c) -8 N d) -8 m/s2
Two tennis balls with a mass of .20kg are rolling towards each other. The blue tennis ball is rolling to the right at 10 m/s, while the yellow tennis ball is rolling to the left at 6.0 m/s. After they collide, the blue tennis ball rolls to the left at 8 m/s. What is the speed and direction of the yellow tennis ball after the collision?
12 m/s
Given D = ms, solve for m.
m = d/s
A golf ball is hit with an initial speed of 70 m/s at an angle of 40° above the horizontal. What are the initial horizontal and vertical velocity components?
Horizontal - 53.6 m/s Vertical - 45.0 m/s