Momentum and Energy
Nature of Science
Define Inertia
Te property of things to resist changes in motion
define Momentum
Momentum = mass X velocity or inertia in motion.
Write Newton's law of universal gravity
Force = Mass1 X Mass2 / distance squared
What is thermal energy and how does it relate to temperature?
TE = the total of all energy (translational, rotational, and vibrational) interactions in a substance. Temperature = the hotness or coldness of an object.
what is a theory in science?
a synthesis of facts and well tested hypotheses...
Define Mass and Weight
Mass - the quantity of matter in an object Weight - the force of gravity on an object due to gravity
What are the two things that enter into every description of something with "work" being done? What are units of measurement for these things?
Since work = Force X distance, the two things are the amount of force and the movement of something by that force. Force is measured in Newtons (N), and distance in meters (m) so N/m, We call 1 N/m a Joule.
How does the force of gravity between two things change if the distance between them doubles? triples? What is the law used to describe this relationship?
the force is 1/4 as much in accord with the inverse square law the force is 1/9 as much. Inverse square law means that the intensity = 1 / distance squared
What is absolute zero and how is it written in degrees kelvin?
Abs. O is the lower limit of temperature, and is written as 273K or Kelvins. It can also be written as -273 degrees Celsius.
state the principle of falsifiability
for a hypothesis to be considered scientific it must be testable, it must be capable of being proven wrong.
Use an equation to describe newtons second law of acceleration as well as describing it in a sentence or two
acceleration = net force / mass Newton's second law states that the acceleration produced by a net force on an object is directly proportional to that net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
How much power is exerted when lifting a 500N load a vertical distance of 4m in a time of 2s? Hint: you'll need the definition for power for this question
power = work done /time interval = 500N X 4m / 2 s = 2000J/2s = 1000W
would bathroom scale springs be more or less compressed if you weighed yourself in an elevator accelerating upward? Downward?
Upward? - compressed more Downward? compressed less
Which has more entropy, a bottle of perfume with the top closed, or a bottle of perfume with the bottle open? Why? What is entropy?
Bottle open, the perfume molecules diffuse, and spread out. Entropy increases.
How did Galileo change the way science was done by Aristotle
he tested theory through experimentation
2 parachutists, one heavy and one light, jump from a plane at the same time, with the same type of parachute. who reaches terminal velocity first? who has the highest terminal velocity? Which one reaches the ground first? If there were no air resistance (like the moon), would your answers change?
a. lighter person reaches terminal velocity first, b. heavier person reaches greater terminal velocity, c. heavier person reaches ground first d. both would hit ground at the same time.
Which contains more potential energy: a bowling ball that you place on on top of a column 3 m high, or a bowling ball that you push up a 3m high ramp and set on the edge... Explain your answer.
They both have the same PE, because the work needed to lift the bowling ball 3m is the same regardless of how it gets there.
What would be the path of the moon if all gravitational force on the Moon suddenly became zero?
Following the law of inertia, the Moon would continue in a straight line path instead of circling the Sun and Earth.
DAILY DOUBLE! Define the three types of heat transfer and draw an example of each.
Conduction - transfer of thermal energy by molecular collision - nail being heated burns fingers Convection - transfer of thermal energy by currents of heated fluid - beach breezes Radiation - transfer of thermal energy by electromagnetic waves - the sun, a lamp, body heat
what is pseudoscience and how does it differ from science?
claims that do not meet standards for science are pseudoscience: must be reproducible, able to be scrutinized by community, and testable.
If I wear rollerblades and throw a snowball at someone, a) do I move? b) If so, which direction and with how much force? c) What if I just pretend to throw the snowball? Same answer? d)Why or why not and e)which of Newton's laws does this apply to?
a). yes b). opposite direction of throw with same amount of force as throw c). no net movement d). Forces internal to a system can't accelerate or cause a change in position e. 3rd law - action / reaction
which has more momentum, a 1000 ton ship at anchor, or a 1/1000th ton skateboard in motion?
skateboard. Anything at rest has no momentum...
why does the leaning tower of Pisa not topple over? Explain in terms of gravity
the tower's center of gravity lies within it's base.
Why does ice float?
structure of water molecules becomes less dense when water freezes.
create a experimental design diagram for testing different levels of sugar water as a wasp bait.
include title, hypothesis written as if then, IV, levels, trials (with a control) , DV, constants.