1D and 2D Motion
Work and Power
Momentum and Impulse
What types of values use m/s as a unit?
Velocity (and speed)
If the force acting on an object is negative, what two directions could the force be acting?
Left and down
Horsepower is a unit for what value?
What does energy share its units with?
Name the two units that can be used for both impulse and momentum.
Ns and kgm/s
What is the difference between average velocity and instantaneous velocity?
Average velocity depends on the total displacement and the total time. Instantaneous velocity is how fast you are going at a particular moment. Sometimes, these can be the same.
What is the definition of net force?
Net force is the sum of all forces acting on an object.
Using the picture in the envelope marked "3", determine which person does more work to move his suitcase.
Person A does more work.
What is Mechanical Energy (ME)?
Mechanical energy is the combination of gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.
What is the momentum of a 8 kg object moving with a constant velocity of 2.25 m/s?
18 Ns
What is the y-velocity of a projectile at the highest point?
0 m/s
What is Newton's First Law?
An object in motion will stay in the SAME motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest, unless an unbalanced, outside force acts on the object.
Which concept needs time in order to calculate it: work or power?
Name four types of energy.
Chemical, elastic, nuclear, sound, radiant, thermal, gravitational potential, kinetic ...
What is the difference between an inelastic collision (NOT perfectly inelastic) and an elastic collision?
Both collisions have objects enter and leave separately, but in inelastic collisions, the objects give off energy as heat or sound during the collision.
What are the accelerations in the x and y directions of a ball at the highest point in projectile motion?
0 and 10 m/s/s
An object rolls past you at a constant speed. What can you say about the forces acting on the object?
A constant velocity means no acceleration, and no net force. So, either there are no forces acting on the object OR the net force is 0 N.
You spend 10 minutes staring at a homework problem, and you still haven't figured anything out. Have you done any "work"? Why or why not?
If you haven't accomplished anything, you haven't done any work.
You've calculated the mechanical energy of a falling apple to be 50 J right now. How does the ME of the apple as it started to fall compare to the ME of the apple just before it hits the ground?
ME is conserved in free fall, so ME = 50 J during the ENTIRE fall.
Give an example of when you would want both a big force and a long time in a collision.
When your goal is to make a big change of momentum (often in sports - hitting a baseball, tennis ball or golf ball)
Using the picture in the envelope marked "1", determine the height of the cliff.
y = 12.8 m
Using the picture in the envelope marked "2", determine the acceleration of box A.
5 m/s^2
You use 20 J of energy to lift a 5 kg box 30 cm off of a table. How efficient is your lifting process?
0.75 or 75%
Using the picture in the envelope marked "4", determine the velocity of the pineapple.
7 m/s
Using the picture in the envelope marked "5", determine the final velocity of the smaller ball.
-4Ns (assuming left is negative)