Newton's Laws
1D Motion
2D motion
This force is the net combination of all forces acting on an object.
What is the net force (Fnet)?
T or F: Inertia is a force
What is False?
T/F Motion diagrams of an object slowing down would have acceleration and velocity vectors pointing in the same direction.
What is false?
Which situation requires you to solve for motion in 2 dimensions? a. a car travels on a straight road b. a person free falling c. an acorn falls from a tree d. a car plunges off a cliff.
What is D?
This Force is due to the attraction of objects to the Earth.
What is the force of gravity (Fg)?
What is the weight of a 300 kg probe on the moon if acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.62 m/s^2
What is 486 N?
This information can be obtained from the slope of a displacement (position) vs time graph.
What is the velocity?
This is what the distances travelled by a projectile in the x direction and y direction are called.
What are distance (x) and height(y)?
This force is felt along the entire distance of an object when it is pulling an object against Fg.
What is a tension force (Ft)?
This law focuses on the fact that objects in equilibrium acts in equal and opposite forces (Fa on b = Fb on a).
What is Newton's 3rd law?
This information can be obtained from the slope of a velocity vs time graph.
What is acceleration?
What is the best angle to shoot a cannon from to get the maximum distance?
What is 45 degrees?
This force is a perpendicular force that is due to contact with an object.
What is the normal force (Fn)?
This Law focuses on the fact that the net force is the mass of an object times it's acceleration.
What is Newton's 2nd law?
A mean person drops a penny from the top of the empire state building, neglecting wind resistance how long does the penny take to fall? (Empire state building is 381 m tall).
What is 8.81 s?
These are the horizontal and vertical velocity components of a cannon ball travelling at 35 m/s at 78 degrees above the horizontal.
What is Vx=7.27m/s and Vy=34.23m/s
Two forces are acting on a box, Mr. Jones is pulling with 450 N to the right and Mrs. Jones is pushing with 200 N of force to the right, what is the net force?
What is 650 N?
It takes 400 N of force to move a 90 kg box, what is the maxiumum static friction coefficient that can act on the box?
What is 0.45?
Calculate the average velocity (in m/s) of a car that travels 259,000cm in 30 minutes.
What is 1.44 m/s?
A player kicks a football from ground level with an initial velocity of 23.0m/s, 40.0° above the horizontal. What is the ball’s hang time (how long is it in the air total)?
What is 3.01 s?