General education knowledge
Projectile and circular motion
Standard model
Inclined planes and vectors

How many liters of water should you drink in a week

14L (2L a day, stay hydrated)


A projectile is any object that is thrown or projected into the air and has no power source driving it. If air resistance is ignored what is the only force acting on the projectile?


The only force acting on the projectile is its weight i.e. Fg=mg given that g is gravity constant 9.8ms-2 vertically downwards.


Name the two types of hadrons - and what they are made up of

Baryons – 3 quarks

Mesons - 1 quark + 1 antiquark


What is a vector

A vector is a value that has a magnitude and direction






Define an electric field

A region in space where a charged object experiences an electric force.


What is Pythagoras' theorem?



Complete the sentence: 

Uniform circular motion is a motion along a circular path in which there is ….. change in speed, only a change in ….. . The velocity of the object in motion at any instant is …… to its path.

no , direction , tangential (at a tangent)


Clarilili claims that the quark she found is a fundamental particle. what does she mean by fundamental?

The particle can not be broken down


Draw a free body diagram showing all forces acting on a box moving along an inclined plane, and the direction the forces act.

Ff , FN , Fnet, Fg , F


You are graphing the results from an experiment that explores Force versus Current through the use of F=BIL. State which component will be the Y-axis, the X-axis, the gradient and what will not be plotted. Name your graph :) 

Name: Force verses Current

Y-axis: Force (F)

X-axis: Current (I)

Gradient: Magnetic field strength x length (BL)

All will be plotted 


Who was the third man to land on the moon.

A) Robert Lenton Jr.

B) Charles Conrad

C) Buzz Aldrin

D) Louis Pasteur

B. Charles Conrad


A ball is hit horizontally from the top of a 10m high cliff with a speed of 5.0ms1. Using acceleration due to gravity (ignoring air resistance), calculate the time it takes to land, and the distance it has travelled from the base of the cliff.

It lands 7.15m from the base of the cliff after 1.43s


Name the 6 Antileptons




electron anti-neutrino

muon anti-neutrino

tau anti-neutrino


A skier with a mass of 50kg is skiing freely down an icey slope that is inclined at 20o to the horizontal. Assuming that friction is negligible, calculate the acceleration of the skier down the slope.

3.4ms-2 down the slope


Determine the effect on the magnetic field strength around a current carrying wire if the current is halved from 10 A to 5 A.

B will be halved as B is linear to A


State the first 15 elements of the periodic table in 30 seconds without the help of a periodic table.

Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus


Consider a teacup sitting at rest on a kitchen bench. The teacup has a mass of 100g. Calculate the weight of the teacup and use this to calculate the size of the force of the benchtop on the cup and state the direction in which it acts.

The cup has a weight given by mg = 0.10 g × 9.8 = 0.98 N down. The benchtop will need to exert an force of exactly 0.98 N upwards to support the cup. The net force on the cup must be 0 N as the cup is in equilibrium.


Compare Annihilation to Pair Production

Annihilation is when a matter and antimatter particle meet they disappear and form two photons whereas Pair Production is when a photon can randomly create a matter and antimatter particle.


A rugby player kicks a ball in the air with an initial velocity such that the vertical component is 5 ms-1 and the horizontal component is 10 ms-1. Calculate how long the ball is in the air and the distance the ball will land from the origin.

1.02s and 10.2m


Calculate the magnetic field strength if a 2cm wire carrying 5A experiences a force of 2 mN.



State the 6 food nutrients required in your diet. (in 30 seconds)

Water, protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals 


Consider the task of putting a 100kg satellite into a circular orbit. Assume the radius of earth rE is 6.37 x 106 and the mass of earth is 5.97 x 1024kg. Determine the total energy of the satellite once it has been placed in orbit of altitude 100km above the Earths surface.

=−3.13 x 109J


Draw a Feynman Diagram for Beta negative decay

A neutron uses excessive energy to form a proton and virtual W- boson, which then decays into an electron and an electron anti-neutrino


A 66kg student is standing in a lift on the ground floor of a building. He presses a button marked 4 to go up to her floor the lift accelerates for a few seconds at 0.82ms-1 before moving at a constant velocity. Calculate the normal force the student experiences as the lift accelerates

700N upwards


A 14.0cm long coil around a cardboard tube has 600 turns and carries a current of 1.20A. Calculate the magnetic field strength at the mid-point of the coil and state the direction of the magnetic field at this point.

6.46 x 10-3 = 6.46mT 

Magnetic field points to the right