2D Motion
Circular Motion
Newton's Gravitation
Work, Energy, Power
Kepler's Laws

What is the path of a projectile? (Hint: think graph)



When traveling in a circular path which quantity, speed or velocity, is changing? Why?

Velocity, because direction is constantly changing.


If the distance between 2 masses is increased then the force of gravitation between them will...



A student is hit with a 1 kg pumpkin pie. The kinetic energy of the pie is 32 J. What is the speed of the pie?

8 m/s


Kepler's first law states that the orbits of the planets are oval or ________ in shape



What is the direction of acceleration in the Y direction in projectile motion?



Bruno the bat has a mass of 0.58 kg and flies at a speed of 0.8 m/s in circle of radius 0.5 m. This is his acceleration.

What is 1.3 m/s2.

If the mass of Earth increased, with no change in radius, your weight would _____ whereas your mass would ____.

increase, remain unchanged


A marble is on a table 2.4 m above the ground. What is the mass of the marble if it has a potential energy of 568 J?

24.1 kg


The farther away a planet is from the sun, the _______ it takes it to orbit the sun once. 



What is the acceleration in the X direction in projectile motion?

Zero m/s2


The velocity is always _____ to the line of a circle.



The gravitational force between two massive spheres:

a. is always an attraction.

b. depends on how massive they are.

c. depends inversely on the square of the distances betwn them.

d/ all of the above

d. all of the above


What 2 requirements must be satisfied in order for work to be done?

Displacement is non-zero

Force is in the same direction as displacement


What did Kepler discover about planets and their orbital speed?

Planets closest to the Sun will orbit with the fastest orbital speed.


Which of the following does NOT exhibit parabolic motion?

a. A frog jumping from land into water

b. A basketball thrown towards a hoop

c. A flat piece of paper released from a window

d. A baseball thrown to home plate

c. A flat piece of paper released from a window


A car moving in a circular path with a radius of 2.0 m has a velocity of 8.0 m/s. What is the centripetal acceleration of the car?

32 m/s2


Two asteroids exert a gravitational force, F, on each other. Some time later, the asteroids are now 9 times as far from each other as before. Which of the following represents the gravitational force at this distance?



An airplane, rolling down the runway, experiences air resistance with a force of 1,000 N West. If it's displacement on the runway is 3,000 N East, how much work does the air resistance do on the plane?

3,000,000 J

When a planet has an eccentricity of zero, its orbit is



An athlete runs 110 m across a level field at an angle of 300 north of east. What are the parallel (east) and perpendicular (north) components, respectively, of this displacement?

95 m; east; 55 m; north


A 1,000 kg car travels at a constant speed of 20 m/s around a circular track. The DIAMETER of the track is 100 m. What is the centripetal force experienced by the car?

8,000 N


Two spheres are placed so that their centers are 2.6 m apart. The gravitational force between the two spheres is  2.75×10−12 N.  One of the spheres is twice the mass of the other sphere.   Find the mass of the LARGER SPHERE!

0.75 kg


While visiting a water park, a little girl decides to go down the water slide. The top of the slide is 10.0 m above the water. The mass of the little girl is 25 kg. Assuming energy is conserved, calculate the final velocity of the little girl the moment before she hits the water.

14 m/s


What day and time is the exam?

Josh/Seonho: Wednesday 8:00 am

Olivia: Friday 8:00 am