Gravitational Force
Work and Machines

These are the units of momentum.

What are (kg)(m)/(s)?


A rock sinks to the bottom of a 30.0-m well. This is the pressure exerted on the rock.

What is 294,000 Pa?


Two bowling balls, each with a mass of 6.8 kg, sit in the ball return 0.59 m away from each other. This is the gravitational force between them. 

What is 6.95 x 1012 N?


A 2.0-kg ball is kicked and, at its highest point is 26.5 m above the ground and traveling at 19.0 m/s. The ball has this value of potential energy.

What is 519.4 J?


These are the six simple machines.

What are a pulley, lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, and screw?


When two cars collide, physicists need to determine whether the system is isolated and closed. This is the definition of a closed and isolated system.

What is a system that gains or loses no mass and no external forces act upon it?


This is the change in length of a 2.10-m copper pipe if the temperature is raised from 0.00°C to 900.0°C. (acopper= 16 x 10-6 °C-1)

What is 0.03024 m?


A 64.8-kg person in space has a weight of 459.4 N. This is the value of the gravitational field at that location.

What is 7.09 m/s2?


A 2.0-kg ball is kicked and, at its highest point is 26.5 m above the ground and traveling at 19.0 m/s. The ball has this value of kinetic energy.

What is 361 J?


Jimmy pushes his car with a force of 208.0 N for 500.0 m. This is the amount of work Jimmy did.

What is 1.040 x 105 J?


As you ride Goliath at Six Flags, you accelerate from 13.5 m/s to 144.0 m/s down the 85° decline. If you have a mass of 180.0 kg and your cart has a mass of 200.0 kg, this is the change in momentum of your cart.

What is 49,600 kgm/s?


This is the buoyant force on a empty bottle with a volume of 0.050 m3 that is 4.00 m below the surface.

What is 490 N?


An asteroid orbits around the moon at a distance of 597.0 km from the surface of the moon. If the radius of the moon is 1785 km and the mass is 7.3 x 1022 kg, this is the velocity of the asteroid.

What is 1400 m/s?


A 2.0-kg ball is kicked strait up and, at its highest point is 26.5 m above the ground. This is its velocity when it hits the ground.

What is 22.8 m/s?


A man uses a pulley to lift a 200.0-N log. He pulls in 4.0 m of rope by applying a 50.0-N force in order to lift the log 0.75 m. This is the mechanical advantage of the pulley.

What is 4.00?


A boxer hits the other boxer with a force of 150.0 N. The glove is in contact with the boxer's face for 0.23 seconds. This is the impulse of the punch.

What is 37.5 kgm/s?


A concrete sidewalk section 8.065 m by 1.003 m by 7.986 m at 0.00°C will expand to this volume at 55.0°C. (Bconcrete = 48.0 x 10-6 °C-1)

What is 64.8 m3?


In order to calculate the period of Jupiter around the sun suing Kepler's third law, you need these three values.

What is the gravitational constant, the mass of the sun, and the distance between Jupiter and the sun?


This much heat energy is needed to raise the temperature of 75.6 g of water from 0.00°C to 85.0°C? (Cwater = 4.18 kJ/kg K).

What is 6.43 kJ?


A man uses a pulley to lift a 200.0-N log. He pulls in 4.0 m of rope by applying a 50.0-N force in order to lift the log 0.75 m. This is the ideal mechanical advantage of the pulley.

What is 5.3?


A 150.0 kg truck rear-ends a motionless 125.0 kg car. After impact, both begin to move together in the same direction the truck was initially traveling. If the truck was moving at 40.0 m/s before the impact, this is the velocity of the two vehicles after the impact.

What is 21.8 m/s?


This is how a thermostat works.

What is...

  • Bimetallic strip
  • Substances expand and contract at different rates
  • Top contracts more quickly when temp cools
  • Strip bends up, connecting the circuit?

This is Einstein’s view of gravity and the explanation for how Einstein's view of gravity was proven correct.

What is ...

  • Solar eclipse
  • Saw stars behind the sun
  • The sun’s mass curved space such that light bent around the sun?

This is the definition of entropy. If a fork had an even temperature throughout it, the fork would have this entropy.

What is ...

  • A measure of disorder in the universe
  • High entropy?

A man uses a pulley to lift a 200.0-N log. He pulls in 4.0 m of rope by applying a 50.0-N force in order to lift the log 0.75m. This is the efficiency of the pulley.

What is 19%?