Key Vocab

What is a conductor?

A material which has many free electrons and can transmit electricity. Most metals are conductors


Magnetism describes forces/interactions between...

moving charges or current.


A 0.6 C charge passes through a 10 N/C electric field. Explain how we can find the electric force on the charge.

Use the equation E=F/q to solve for the force F.


What is the charge of an electron?

q=-e=-1.6 *10^-19 C

What is the basic function of a motor?

A motor uses magnetic forces to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.


A positive particle moves to the right through a magnetic field directed into the page. What is the direction of the force on the particle?



A rod becomes positively charged when it is rubbed against a wool sweater. Explain what type of charging this is and what particles moved between the rod and the sweater.

This is charging by friction.

Electrons moved from the rod to the wool sweater.


The diagram below shows the motion of a particle passing through a magnetic field. Is the particle positive or negative?

Positive (the force/direction of curving follows the right-hand rule)


Explain the process of charging an object with induction.

A charged object is brought near a neutral conductor, causing the charges on the conductor to separate.


A particle with a charge q and mass M passes through a magnetic field B with a velocity v. Identify all the equations equations you would use to determine the radius of the motion of the particle.

F = qvB (to solve for the magnetic force)

a = Fnet/m (to solve for the acceleration)

a=v2/r to (to solve for the radius)


What two things can you conclude from the electric field diagram below?

1. The left charge is positive, the right charge is negative

2. The right charge has a greater magnitude


Two electric charges have an attractive force F between them. If one of the charges is doubled and the distance between them is tripled, what is the new force between the charges?
