Vector Math
2D Kinematics
Recognizing forces
Misc. i.e not physics
A force can commit these kinds of actions.
What is a push or pull?
A quantity with magnitude and direction
What is a Vector?
This angle yields the optimum travel distance in the X-direction of a launched projectile along a flat surface.
What is 45 degrees or pi/4 rad?
This force always opposes motion and comes in three forms!
What is Friction?
This is a venomous mammal that lays eggs which was at first believed to be a fake.
What is a platypus?
A(n) ___________ exerts a force.
What is an Agent?
if V1=2x+3y then V1*a is this.
What is 2ax+3ay?
Bobo the doughnut clown straps himself into a super fancy rocket sled in a Taco Bell parking lot on the southern side of the Unfederated Republic of Banana stand. Bobo and the rocket sled have combined mass of 200 kg. If the μ kinetic of of the sled and the pavement is 0.5 and the rocket exerts a force of 1500 N in the X-direction. The acceleration of the sled is…
What is 2.6 m/s^s?
When a rocket takes off it is using this force.
What is Trust?
This is the most widely used drug in the U.S.
What is Caffeine?
A person is pushing a wall and neither is moving. The net force is this.
What is Zero?
V1=72x+63y V2=83x+79y V=155x+142y V=...
What is V1+V2?
An egotistical and reckless teenager drives his Automobile off of a 50 meter cliff going 25 mph. He drops his pumpkin spice latte out the window at the same time his car leaves the cliff. Ignoring air resistance, this is the time between the two impacts.
What is zero seconds?
This force occurs when there is a force exerted on a surface and is always perpendicular to the surface.
What is Normal Force?
This is the successive order of the ingredients of turducken (from the inside out)
What is Chicken, duck, then turkey?
A 2.378kg ball is falling on the moon. The force on the ball is this. Hint (gravity on moon is ⅙ that on the earth.)
What is 3.884 newtons?
in order to get from here V=40m/s@30 degrees to here V=34.6m/s (x)+20 m/s(y) we do this.
What is convert polar form to vector component form? What is use Sine and Cosine?
A Perturbed Tusken Raider throws an overripe banana off of a 15 m tall castle at an angle of 45 degrees at 20 m/s. This is the banana’s maximum height. (ignore air resistance of course)
What is 25.2 m?
if a rock falls on earth there must be (according to newton's 3rd law) an equal and opposite force. This force is
What is the gravity of the rock on the earth?
This is the number of years the Simpsons has been on air.
What is 25 years?
When a person jumps on earth the earth does this.
What is move away?
if V1= √2 (x) + √2 (y) , a=-2 and V2=a*V1 then V1+V2 is this
What is √2 (-x) + √2 (-y)?
A tribal chieftain cart has a cannon which launches a silverback Gorilla at a velocity of 30m/s straight up into the air in order to celebrate their sudden and unexpected discovery of the agricultural sciences. The cart is traveling at 15m/s, but there is no air resistance because an evil sorcerer put a spell on the gorilla. Where does the silverback gorilla land in respect to the chieftains cart, if the cart has maintained a constant velocity.
What is on the cart?
a roller coaster is moving down a sloped track. there are four large forces acting on it and they are
What are Gravity, Friction, Drag and Normal forces?
This is the tallest mountain the the state of Washington.
What is Mt. Reinier?