How is the central nervous system protected
By bone
How many hemispheres does the brain have?
What does the muscular system include?
It includes the skeletal muscle tissue.
Supports the body, Protects, Movement.
What is the function of the brain
Memory, emotions, motor skills, ect.
What is an axon and what is its function?
True or False
Muscle shorten during neural control, causing soft tissue and bony structures to move.
Calcium and phosphate.
Describe the Myelin Sheath.
The myelin sheath speeds up nerve impulses
What is origin
206 bones.
How are nerves and neurons related?
Nerves are bundles of axons from neurons.
the master controlling and communicating system of the body.
what is insertion
the muscle end that is attached to the more movable structure.
How many bones does a baby have?
270 Bones
What is an organ level?
Different types of tissues
What is the relationship between the proportion of neuroglia to neurons and intelligence.
The greater proportion of neuroglia to neurons, the greater the level of intelligence.
what is sensory input?
What is action
Differentiated cells in a developing embryo derive from _____?
ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.