Potential energy
Kinetic energy
Transfer of energy

When is the potential energy in the roller coaster the highest?

What is the top of the roller coaster?


At what point is there the most kinetic energy in the roller coaster?

What is when the marble is going down the highest hill/point?


When is potential energy converted to kinetic energy?

What is when the marble is going down the hill?


What is the formula for potential energy?

What is mgh? (m= mass, g= acceleration due to gravity, h= height in meters)


What is the formula for kinetic energy?

What is 0.5 times mv².( m= mass, v= velocity of the object)


When is the kinetic energy converted to potential energy?

What is when the marble is going up the hill?


Where is there the least potential energy in the roller coaster?

What is the bottom part of the roller coaster?


When does the marble have the least kinetic energy?

What is when the marble is stationary?


When does the biggest energy change occur?

What is when the marble goes down the biggest drop?


How many times does energy transfer in the roller coaster between potential and kinetic energy?

What are 5 times?