This even and elementary function has a period of 2 pi
What is cosine
What's the math teacher's favorite dessert?
This is the formula for finding the area of a circle
What is pi * r^2
This year marked a special Pi Day when its contributed to the representation of pi in the m/dd/yy format
What is 2015
This pie is the second most popular to eat on thanksgiving.
What is Apple pie
Pi itself can be defined as the ratio between a circles circumference to this
What is its diameter
Why shouldn’t you eat too much pi?
You'll end up with a large circumference
This expression commonly referred to as the most beautiful expression in mathematics most correlates pi and i.
What is Euler's Identity.
Pi got its name from the Greek word for this
What is perimeter
This savory pie is traditionally topped with mashed potatoes and filled with minced meat, carrots, and peas.
What is Shepard's Pie
What are the first six digits of pi?
What is a mathematician’s favorite snake?
A pi-thon
This common Probability Density Function curiously contains pi in its denominator
What is the normal distribution or gaussian function
This the connection between Albert Einstein and Pi Day
What is a birthday on March 14
This crumbly treat when combined with butter and sugar comprises the main component of a dessert pie crust
What is Graham Cracker
Less common than its lowercase counterpart, the uppercase pi represents the closed form notation for all factors in this mathematical operation
What is product
What do you call it when someone gets a huge tattoo of pi on their face?
An irrational decision.
The formula for the area of an ellipse with semi-major axis a and semi-minor axis b is this
What is a*b*pi
In the 1967 Star Trek episode "Wolf in the Fold", an out-of-control computer is contained by being instructed to do this
What is compute the last (or all) digits of pi
This famous playwright scripted the death of two characters in their play, Titus Andronicus, by being baked into a pie
Who is William Shakespeare
This greek symbol representing the number of radians in one turn or the ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius has been suggested to replace pi to simplify calculations
What is tau
Why should you never start talking to pi at a party?
Because it goes on forever
This problem, famously solved by Leonhard Euler in 1735, asks for the summation of a specific case of the Riemann Zeta Function (where s = 2). The summation was found to be (pi^2) / 6.
What is the Basel problem
This common metaphor used to describe "trying to do the impossible" stems from this real and impossible problem in geometry
What is squaring the circle
This comedic trope common in slapstick humor was filmed as a battle scene in Charlie Chaplin's 1916 Behind the Screen movie utilizing 3,000 pies.
What is 'pieing', 'pie-fight', 'pie-in-face gag' or 'pie attack'