This is the digits of pi approximate to 2 decimal places.
What is 3.14?
Pi Day is celebrated on this date.
What is March 14? (3.14)
This formula is the formula for the circumference of a circle?
What is C= 2πr? OR What is C=πd?
The first 6 digits of pi.
What is 3.14159?
Which trig function is opp/hyp?
This is the definition of pi.
What is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter?
This famous mathematician's birthday is on the same date as Pi Day.
Who is Albert Einstein?
This is the formula for the area of a circle.
What is a = π r2
______________ is the distance around the circle
What is circumference?
45 degrees to radians?
A common approximation of pi as a fraction.
What is 22/7?
The best time of day to celebrate Pi Day, according to the third, fourth and fifth digits following the decimal.
What is 1:59?
The volume of a cylinder.
What is V = π * r2 * h?
This famous basketball player has a birthday on March 14th, 1988.
Who is Steph Curry?
Amplitude of y=2sin(4x)?
The symbol for pi is a letter from the alphabet of this language.
What is Greek?
A date during the summer which could be another good time for Pi Day (think of the fraction approximation).
What is 22nd of July? 22/7
When finding pi by using the circumference and diameter, this is the formula.
What is pi = C/d (pi = circumference divided by diameter)?
This is the number of degrees of a circle.
What is 360o?
Complete the identity: 1-sin^2x=?
Pi is this type of number whose decimal form never ends or repeats.
What is an irrational number?
Another day to celebrate pi- the 314th day of the year!
What is pi * d is used to calculate this measurement.
What is circumference?
This is how many digits are in pi.
What is infinitely many?
secx is the reciprocal of ...