What are the first 5 digits of pi?
What is the date of pi day?
March 14th
What culture did the symbol pi originate from?
A) The Babylons
B) The Greeks
C) The Romans
The Greeks
I roll, I spin, I bounce, I fly,
Pi helps describe the path I try.
In basketball, soccer, and even golf,
What shape am I, both smooth and soft?
What is the formula for the volume of a cylinder?
V = πr2h
What is the world record for the number of digits calculated by a computer?
a) 105 quintillion
b) 105 trillion
c) 105 billion
d) 105 million
105 trillion
A famous mathematicians birthday is on March 14.
a) Archimedes
b) Albert Einstein
c) Alexander Graham Bell
Albert Einstein
What year was the first official Pi day celebration?
a) 1978
b) 1958
c) 1988
Long ago, they tried to find,
A number that would blow the mind.
Egyptians, Babylonians, too,
What shape did they study to find something new?
What is the area of the circle formula?
What is πr2
Pi is represented by this letter in the Greek alphabet
The best time to celebrate pi day is at this time of day
Which century did mathematicians begin using the Greek letter π?
A) 1700's
B) 1500's
C) 1200's
If you stretch a circle up so high,
And give it height before the sky,
Pi helps me find my space within,
What shape am I? Think, begin!
The volume of a sphere with a radius 9m
V = (4/3)πr3
Calculate the volume of the sphere.
(Calculator can be used for this question.)
The volume of a sphere with a 9m radius is approximately 3053.63 cubic meters.
The definition of Pi
the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
Pi day next year will land on this day of the week
The number of centuries for which for which pi has been used to represent this special mathematical ratio
a) 8
b) 10
c) 3
3 centuries ... (1706)
I stand tall with Pi by my side,
Together in circles, we always abide.
If you take Pi and multiply,
By me, the circle’s length you’ll spy.
What is 30 degrees in terms of pi
a) π/3
b) π/8
c) π/6
Why is pi considered an irrational number?
because it's non-terminating and non-repeating
because it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction
An alternate date for pi day, according to pi's approximate fraction.
22nd of July (22/7)
The first calculation of pi was done by this Greek mathematician
a) Euclid
b) Archimedes
c) Plato
Pi helps me tell how far I’ve spun,
If I roll once, my journey’s begun.
I move ahead the length of me,
What distance did I travel? See?
What formula is C=πd used for?
Circumference formula