What are the first three digits of pi
What is the diameter
The line though the center of the circle
What was pi invented for many years ago
to calculate the dimonsions of a circle
How do you find the diameter
You double the radius
of measure across the center of the circle
Does pi go to infinity?
What is the first four digits of pi
What is the radius
the line though the center that stops halfway
How long has it been scince pi was created
history traces back 4 thousand years when there were ancient civilizations
How do you find radius
simply divide the diameter by 2
Can Pi be expressed as a simple fraction
What is the sixth digit of pi
What is area
the inside of the circle
minus one turn
How do you find circumference
What is the circumference of a cylinder when the radius is 10
What is the first 8 digits of PI
What is the circumference
The perimeter around the circle
when was pi created
1650 BC
How do you find area
radius times radius multiplyed by Pi
What famous physicistis was born on Pi day
Albert Einstien
What is the first 15 digits of pi
What is pi
a infinate number under 4
What were the first civilations that used pi
Daily double
Babylonians and Egyptians
How do you find volume
Area times hight
What is the volume of a cylinder when the radius is 8 and the hight is six