What are the 1st three digits in Pi?
Circumference of a circle with diameter of 8 m.
Remember! d x 3.14 = c
25.12 m
This famous man was born on Pi Day.
Thomas Edison
Albert Einstein
Easy as _____________________ pie.
If the radius of a circle is 5 m, what is the diameter?
Remember r x 2 = d
10 m
Diameter times 3.14 =
Circumference of a circle with diameter of 4 km.
Remember! d x 3.14 = c
12.56 km
This man introduced the Greek letter pi in 1706.
William Jones
James Early Jones
William Jones
She's a ____________________ pie!
If the radius of a circle is 12 cm, what is the diameter?
Remember r x 2 = d
24 cm
What is longer? Diameter or radius?
Circumference of a circle with diameter of 9 cm.
Remember! d x 3.14 = c
28.26 cm
This famous mathematician was the first to theoretically calculate pi.
Who is Archimedes?
There’s a town called Pie Town in __________________.
New Mexico
New Hampshire
New Mexico
If the radius of a circle is 6 km, what is the diameter?
Remember r x 2 = d
How many digits are in pi?
4 trillion
Circumference of a circle with diameter of 3 mm.
Remember! d x 3.14 = c
9.42 mm
This man set the record for reciting 67,890 digits of pi.
Chau Lu
Edward Jones
Chau Lu
The largest pie made weighed in at ____________.
10,540 kg
1,000 kg
10,540 kg
If the diameter of a circle is 20 m, what is the radius?
Remember d/2 = r
10 m
When is Pi Day celebrated?
March 14th
Circumference of a circle with diameter of 11 in.
Remember! d x 3.14 = c
34.54 in
Ms. Rob's favorite pie
The most popular pie in the U.S. is ______________ pie.
If the diameter of a circle is 6 m, what is the radius?
Remember d/2 = r
3 m