AHA-CHI Framework
Looking Back at 2020
PI Projects and Tools
Organ Awareness
Holiday Festivities

Provides context and framework for performance management and quality improvement activities within the PI team at AHA.

What is PI/IP Plan?


A novel severe acute respiratory syndrome that claimed the lives of over 1.5 million individuals worldwide in 2019-2020.

What is COVID-19?


The purpose of this tool is to make strategic decisions for project implementation based on the contract budget. 

What is Financial Snapshot?


Essential for digesting food and ridding your body of toxic substances.

What is Liver?

The “spy” that hides around the house and reports back to Santa who has been naughty or nice.

What is The Elf on the Shelf?


The three R's

What is Relief, Recover, and Reimagine/Rebuild

Demonstrations and riots across the world to demand an end to police brutality and racial injustice. 

What is Black Lives Matter?


Benefits from participating in this program include identification of clinical and non-clinical COVID_19 innovations for scale, spread, and incorporation into CDC guidance supplementary material. 

What is CDC's Living Learning Network (LLN)?  


Breaks down sugar, fat, and starch.

What is Pancreas?


Holiday movie sequel that includes a cameo by Donald Trump

What is Home Alone 2?

The Value Equation

What is (Outcomes + Person-centered Experience + Workforce) / Cost?  


Academy Award-winning movie that marked the first time a non-English-language movie won Best Picture. 

What is Parasite?


This tool provides a structured approach to help your teams identify system factors that contribute to defects, plan improvements, and sustain those improvements.  

What is the Learning from Defects Tool?


Three superfoods for cleansing the arteries

What is (any of these 3) - asparagus, avocado, coconut oil, garlic, ginger, nuts, pomegranate, salmon fish, turmeric, and/or watermelon.


Three words that best describe the Grinch according to the TV special “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”

What are Stink, Stank, Stunk?


Components of STEEEP

What is Safety, Timely, Equitable, Efficient, Effective, and Person-Centered?


Became the first private company to send humans to the International Space Station. 

What is SpaceX?


This project has a timeframe of April 5, 2019 to March 11, 2022 with a potential request for an extension.

What is AHRQ/ABT - TAKEheart?


Part of the immune system that act as a filter of the lymph fluid.

What are Lymph Nodes? 


A number of gifts in total given in "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song

What is 364?


These make up AHA's 3 R's + 3

What is Relief, Recovery, Rebuilding/Reimagining, Behavioral Health, Workforce (resiliency), and Health Equity?


First elected to Senate at age 29 and was the longest-serving senator for Delaware.

Who is Joe Biden?


The current number of active PI projects with project-specific cost center and budget.

What is eight? (AHRQ ICU OP2, JAHF Age Friendly, IHI Age Friendly, CDC CDI Y2, CDC CDI Y3, CDC IPC, CDC LLN, AHRQ/ABT TAKEheart)


Located on the left side of the upper abdomen with a size that varies from person-to-person. It can also hold 7 ounces of acid and bile.

What is the Stomach?


Average amount of money Americans spend (on average) on holiday gifts per person

What is about $1000 per person? (1 trillion total in the US)