Teaching must account for the child’s vivid fantasies and undeveloped sense of time
What is Pre-Operational?
An infant requires that basic needs are met—food, clothing, touch, and comfort stage
What is trust vs. mistrust?
A child has heightened separation anxiety during this time, is controlling his bladder and bowel movements, as well as food preferences in this stage
What is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt?
Objective Permanence is most important development in this stage
What is the sensorimotor stage?
They are working to establish their own identity and are trying out new roles to see what best fits for them in this stage
What is Identity vs. Role confusion?
A child plays a princess tea party and is scared of monsters that are under the bed stage
What is Initiative vs. Guilt?
Will be able to explain things back to a nurse in this stage
What is the concrete-operational stage?
Starts to walk alone, can kick a ball, and climb on furniture.
What is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt?
Jane decides that paying property taxes violates her rights as a citizen and refuses to pay them.
What is an example of the 6th stage of Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development?
A child is building self-confidence with completing school projects, and follow the rules and very proud of themselves in this stage.
What is Industrial vs Inferiority?
represents cognitive maturity and have deductive reasoning in this stage
What is the formal operational stage?
Dress and undress self with assistance and then later without assistance, Rides a tricycle and later a bicycle can go up and down stairs without assistance
What is Initiative vs. Guilt?
A teenager named Bob believes that it is wrong to break the law so he decides he must not break the speed limit.
What is the 4th stage of Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development?
A child weighs the safety of riding a bicycle without a helmet, shows interest and concern for politics and social issues, becomes able to think about their long term and set goals for plans to start college.
What is Identity vs Role Confusion?
hands-on works best when teaching children in this stage
What is the concrete operational stage?
Mastery of mathematics and reading skills, classify and serialize of numbers, and understanding cause and effect during this stage.
What is Industry vs. Inferiority?
John usually follows the speed limit, but is willing to break it this time because he is in a hurry to get to the hospital because he has just heard his mom had a accident.
What is the 5th stage of Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development?
An infant is held by the parent when she cries, or is fed when she is awakens from a nap.
What is Trust vs. Mistrust?