How long does the Sensorimotor Stage last for?
Birth-2 years old
Approximately how long does this stage span for?
2-7 years of age
How long does this stage span for?
7-11 years of age
How long does this stage span for?
11 years old - adulthood
How many stages are wishing the Sensorimotor stage?
There are 6 substages
What do children use to represent their discoveries in the world?
During this stage what starts to become more logical, flexible and better organized?
Adolescents are more likely than adults to learn from feedback by revising their decision-making strategies?
True or False:
If you were in this stage, how would you think?
Interact upon the world with their eyes, ears, hands and mouth
What is one key human skill that develops in this stage?
What are children more aware of in this stage?
what can adolescents now evaluate in this stage?
The logic of verbal statements without referring to real-world circumstances
According to Piaget, during the first sensorimotor substage, infants' behaviors are:
What type of play takes place in this stage?
Make believe play
What do children's mental operations work poorly with in this stage?
Abstract Ideas
Of the options below, what would be a good example of the formal operational stage?
a. if a baby learns how to clap and crawl
b. if a young child demonstrates symbolic thinking
c. if a child aged 11 or 12, starts to demonstrate the use of argument and reasoning
d. if a young child is able to emphasize with others
b. if a young child demonstrates symbolic thinking
Name all 6 substages
1. Reflexive Schemes
2. Primary Circular Reactions
3. Secondary Reactions
4. Coordination of Secondary Circular Reactions
5. Tertiary Circular Reactions
6. Mental Representation
For Piaget, what is the most fundamental deficiency of the preopertional thinking stage?
Egocentrism: the failure to distinguish the symbolic viewpoints of others from one's own
What leads children everywhere to reach the concrete operational stage according to Piaget?
Experience in a rich and varied external world and brain development
What are adolescents in this stage now able to do when faced with a challenge or problem?
In this stage, adolescents are now able to:
- hypothesize
- deduce testable inference
- isolate and combine variables to see which inferences are confirmed