This note gets one beat.
What is a quarter note?
This word means you play loud.
What is forte?
This symbol tells you it's the end of the song.
What is a double bar line?
The clef that is higher than middle C
What is Treble clef?
This note gets four beats.
What is a whole note?
This word means you play soft.
What is piano?
This line connects two notes of the same pitch.
What is a tie?
The clef that is lower than middle C
What is the bass clef?
This note gets three beats.
What is a dotted half note?
When you see this sign you gradually get softer.
What is Diminuendo?
This symbol tells you to go back to the beginning and play the song again.
What is a repeat sign?
These lines split up the measures.
What is bar lines?
This kind of rest gets two beats of silence.
What is a half rest?
When you see this sign you gradually get louder.
What is crescendo?
This symbol tells you to hold the note longer than its usual number of beats
What is fermata?
Five lines and four spaces.
What is a staff?
This rest gets half a beat of silence.
What is an eighth rest?
This means to play medium soft.
What is mezzo piano?
This symbol cancels a sharp or flat
What is a natural sign?
The top number tells you how many beats are in a measure and the bottom number tells you what note gets the beat.
What is a time signature?