In this animated TV show, spongebob works at the Krusty Krab, where pickles are a key ingredient in the famous Krabby Patty.
What is Spongebob Squarepants?
This is the estimated amount of pickles an average American eats per year?
What is "8.5 lbs"?
This silver coin bears the face of the American third president?
What is a nickel?
this type of pickle is pork free
what is a "kosher pickle"
This is what you get when you cross a pickle with a famous boxer.
What is "Dill Tyson"
This 1999 romantic comedy features a scene where Julia Roberts' character works in a bookstore and talks about her childhood desire to marry a pickle.
What is Notting Hill
This Shakespearean play introduced this common saying "in a pickle".
What is "The Tempest"?
another word for unpredictable or flaky?
what is "fickle"?
this type of pickle would be invaded first in Pickle War II
what is a Polish pickle?
This is what the pickle said when it won an award.
What is "I'm kind of a big dill"?
This 2001 animated film features a scene where the character Shrek offers Princess Fiona a weed rat, toasted, with pickles, as a form of fine dining.
What is Shrek
A pickle must have this ball like quality in order to be considered a pickle?
What is a "bounce"?
Britney's favorite pickle
what is a pickle spear
This is what the pickle said to the cucumber during a stressful situation.
What is "Just dill with it"?
This animated sitcom features a recurring character named Pickle Rick, who is a transformed version of the show's main character.
What is Rick and Morty
This royal queen claimed pickles made her beautiful.
A type of cell diseases that is a genetic blood disorder
what is "sickle"
this pickle has no gluten or dairy allergies
what is a bread and butter pickle
This is how a pickle starts its day.
What is "with a dill-icious breakfast"?
This 1994 film starring Tom Hanks includes a scene where his character runs a successful business selling pickles.
What is Forrest Gump
This state holds a city called Berrien Springs, the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World.
What is Michigan?
what is a "pickle"?
this type of pickle would never be eaten by a vampire
what is a garlic pickle
This is what you say when a pickle makes a mistake.
What is "Oops, I dill it again"?