Classic Dill
Spicy Garlic/Honey Mustard
Bread and Butter

Are Kosher pickles always Kosher



What part of the pickle can be used for havdalah 



When and where is the earliest evidence of the pickle 

4000 years ago in Mesopotamia 


What happened to the storks after the baby boom

They had to turn to delivering pickles instead of babies


What makes a bread and butter pickle bad, sorry I mean sweet

By adding a sweetner to the brine, most often brown sugar and omitting garlic (aka the best part)


What are the two main types of Kosher Pickles 

Half Sour and Full Sour


Can pickles be part of Maror on passover

NO! How dare you suggest such an idea. That would make something so perfect even more perfect. Although i'm not sure thats true, it might be to many flavors at once


Why were pickles used by colombus

Dried Foods taste bad and don't have enough nutrients but pickles take care of both of these problems


What was featured on the heinz logo for more then 100 years and it the reason they are so successful 


If you didn't get that its a little sad 


What food commonly including bread, butter and pickles in the great depression 

A pickle sandwich 


What are the 5 main ingredenints in a kosher dill pickle

Cucumbers, Salt Brine, Garlic, Dill and Spices


If two pickle types are in a jar together are they considader one.

Follow Up: Does this mean that if you only used dill would the whole mixture be one food or would you need to add something

You need 3 foods in the jar to be considered one food, there for you need at least two spices with the pickles


What was Amerigo Vespucci's nick name

Bonus: Why?

the pickle dealer at seville

He sold pickles to explorers


What was Valsic's Motto is in the 1970s 

The Pickle Pregnant women crave


What is the first company to trade mark bread and butter as a pickle name

Fanning bread and butter pickles 


Why is Dill a good spice to use in pickle making

Because it is antimicrobial


Why is pickle juice most often not able to be a substitute for wine 

Because most normal people (so not Sophie) don't drink it socially


Who coined the term in a Pickle 

Shakespear in the tempest 
How did Heinz get people to come to his world's fair both 

Pickle Pins

How did Fanning come up with the name for their pickles

They had a bartering system that involved trading bread and butter for pickles


Why did Jews become known for their pickles 

Originated from Europe, then when they moved to NYC so did their pickles. They would sell them from push carts in the lower east side 


What allows you to purchase pickle brine from a gentile

A kosher fish floating in it


Why did Cesear love pickles

Because rumor has it he had a thing with cleopatra and cleopatra thought pickles were the key to her beauty so she turned him onto pickles but why would he need beauty so he started a new thing where pickles made his troops strong

If you didn't say those exact words you don't get the points


What happens at 4 o'clock 

Its time for a pickle 


Is a bread and butter pickle a pickle 

Unfortunately They Are 

although I (Cooper Hartog) feel they are a disgrace to my Jewish New York Heritage