Banned Books Today
Island Trees Case Facts
1st Amendment
Board of Education Responsibilities
Banned Books Island Trees

This silly cartoon children's series was banned for violent imagery and offensive language.

What is Captain Underpants?


Steven Pico and other students that attended Island Tree Union Free School District.

Who is the Defendant?


This guarantees the following rights: freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and right to petition.

What is the First Amendment?


This body oversees the hiring and evaluation of the superintendent in a school district.

What is the school board?


This science fiction story with anti-war themes was banned at least 18 times in the US for violence, sexual content, and profanity.

What was Slaughterhouse-Five?


This book written by Madeline L'Engle has been banned for over 50 years for religious elements and allusions to communism.

What is a Wrinkle in Time?


Board of Education Island Trees Union Free School District No.26 "the board members that made the decision to remove the books."

Who is the Plaintiff?


Often referred to as "The Father of the Constitution", this man played a crucial role in drafting the Bill of Rights.

Who is James Madison?


The local school board is responsible for approving this financial plan, which details the district's revenue and expenditures for the year.

What is the budget?


This diary written by an anonymous girl was banned for explicit language, blasphemy and the talk of worms eating body parts.

What is Go Ask Alice?


This American Classic was once banned for the use of the word "sweat" in 1905 and alleged racist content since 1957 and the rise of civil rights.

What is the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?


Centering on the 1st Amendment rights, the removal of certain books from its school libraries for various reasons.

What is the Cause of Action?


This landmark 1969 Supreme Court case established that students do not lose their freedom of speech when they enter school.

What is Tinker v Des Moines Independent School District?


The school board is tasked with the approval of these documents that outline expectations for student behavior and district-wide rules.

What are policies and regulations?


This book by Richard Wright was banned in the 1970's for obscenity and instigating hatred between the races.

What is Black Boy?


Certain religious groups claim this 21st Century book series promotes witchcraft and is anti-family.

What is the Harry Potter series?


Was the school board's removal of the books institutional or discretion over content in the school libraries?

What is the Legal Question?


 This 1988 Supreme Court case ruled that public school officials can censor school-sponsored students' newspapers if the content is inconsistent with the school's educational mission.

What is Hazelwood School District v Kuhlmeier?


This case limited the power of the board of education of all schools to ban offensive books.

What is Pico v BOE Island Trees School District?


This book won the Pulitzer Prize in 1930 about the Navajo people's struggle to reconcile their culture.

What is Laughing Boy?


The story of Jess and Leslie who find an abandoned treehouse and invent a new world.

What is the Bridge to Terabithia?


Four justices (Brennan, Marshall, Stevens, and Blackmun), along with a separate statement by Justice White, agreed with the main opinion that the removal of books could violate the First Amendment.

What was the Plurality Opinion and Concurrence?


Daily Double

The Pico decision requires educational leaders to carefully consider the constitutional implications of their decisions. It emphasizes the need for clear transparent and fair policies that respect students' rights to access diverse information.


This group establishes policies related to curriculum, instruction, and assessment to ensure quality education for all students.

What is the school board?


This collection of essays written by Eldridge Clever was banned for being controversial and acknowledging acts of rape.

What is Soul on Ice?