Events and Activities
Name that Location!
Who am I?
Where in the world?
Grab Bag

It is the end of June at Holman and we are celebrating Culture Day! I can taste the hot dog now!! Whose birthday is it? 

Jean Holman 


This state is home of Nike, Phil Knight and the Ducks, most most importantly home of BMW of Tigard, a beautiful new store for Holman!



I grew up in Lancaster, PA, but brought my talents to Philly! I sometimes work for the Eagles, sometimes work for Holman. I am also for sure marrying Jalen Hurts. You might catch me on Holman 60 or you could see me at a PIE meeting. 

Willonda McCloud 


This town in Mexico is home to the 2025 COE trip. It is known for whale watching and yummy tacos. 

Cabo San Lucas. 


This pop star can be seen at Chief's games, on the wall at Jacklyn's house or jet setting on a world musical tour. 

Taylor Swift 


Sometimes I am held in May, sometimes I am held in June, but I also have about 70 questions for my friends to share their feelings. 

Great Places to Work Survey 


Please join me in this state, we can visit Barlett and check out a Cubs game! 



I have a twin sister. I met my hubby in college in Boston. I enjoy to bake and am the current PI Day Champion. 

Martha Theodoris 

Alessandra was born and raised in this country. 



Perhaps the worst day of the week, but also the coolest website ever created. What day am I?


This annual event is like no other! It takes a year to plan, everyone is involved! It takes recognition to another level! 

Partner of the Year 


Let's have a tea and a pastry while visiting Vicky in this town, home of our 2nd office in the UK. 



I am an Excel Wizard. I have also dressed like a Wizard for Halloween. I will make you sweet treats, but I will rarely eat them myself. 

Alex Azar 


The Cole family hasn't always resided just outside of Denver. What country to the Cole's call home? 

Oh, Canada, eh. 

She headlined 100th in NJ and she is no one to mess with. She takes Louisville Sluggers to both headlights and slashes holes in all four tires... 

Carrie Underwood 


Foooooooore, is the most common phrase yelled at this event. Held at various times of the year around the US! 

Golf Outings 


This fun little town "down south" is home to a new warehouse for Holman. Check out a football game and get some gumbo while you are there! 

Mobile, Alabama


I have 3 boys, but more tattoos. I have lived in multiple states, but currently it's a little Rocky by me. You might catch me on a hiking trail on the weekends!

Elicia Strazzeri 


Becca Booth has seen some things in her life! This town in NJ is where she was born and raised and it is no picnic! However, it does sound it would have some trees. 

Maple Shade, NJ 


This gem of a human was the man behind the 100th gift. It is such a cool car! 

Joe W 


This presenter blew the minds of our partners both in NJ and virtually during PIE week! Abra Cadabra... or something like that! 

Rmax Goodwin 


I was the home of the 2022 Circle of Excellence Trip. It was a little dry and throny, but we had a blast. Kelsey and Jess were there as a winners!!!!!

(Extra point if you can name city and state) 

Scottsdale, Arizona 


My last name means "of the sea." I also live near the sea, which is pretty convenient. 

Kelsey Van Der Zee 


Born and raised in this neighborhood in Philly, little Joey D played a lot of basketball and got into a few altercations with neighborhood kids. (Please don't say Fishtown) 

Port Richmond 


Each answer is worth 500 points!!! Can you name all 4 houses at Hogwarts School! 

Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin.