Decision Making
Time Management
April Trivia
Food Origins

TRUE or FALSE: Decision-making is the process of selecting the best possible option in a given situation, by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.

Answer: True

Bonus: Name one work task you do at the Habitat for Humanity Restore.


_______ _____________ is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities.

A. Critical thinking

B. Problem solving

C. Time management

Answer: Time management

Bonus: Which month is the 9th month?


What term is defined as, "being courteous, being honest, using good judgment, and displaying profession qualities"?

A. Customer Service

B. Professionalism

C. Responsibility

D. Teamwork

Answer: Professionalism

Bonus: Name one place we go to volunteer at.


What happens every year on April 22? 

A. Christmas

B. Earth Day

C. Hilary's Birthday

D. Memorial Day

Answer: Earth Day


Which country does the food spaghetti come from?

A. France


C. Turkey

D. Italy

Answer: Italy

Bonus: What is another food that comes from Italy?


Which of these does not influence decision making?

A. Family

B. Past experiences

C. Age

D. Shoe size

Answer: Shoe size

Bonus: Name one work task you do at The Closet. 


True or False?

One benefit of time management is an increased level of stress.

Answer: False

Time management decreases your level of stress.

Bonus: Where did the group go volunteer today?


TRUE OR FALSE: All jobs/careers require professionalism.

Answer: True

Bonus: Without going to look in the kitchen, what color is the refrigerator in the kitchen in the PIERS Program? 


April 9 is a holiday dedicated to celebrating what sparkly mythological creature? 

A. Unicorns

B. Fairies

C. Elves

D. Ligers

Answer: Unicorns


What country do French fries come from?

A. France

B. Belgium


D. China

Answer: Belgium

Bonus: What is the most popular condiment used for French fries?


What is the first step in the decision making process?

A. Evaluate and review the results

B. Create a plan of action

C. Identify the problem

Answer: Identify the problem

Bonus: What is 4x4?


True or False?

Distractions make it harder to manage your time.

Answer: True

Bonus: What is Abbey's birthday month?


How should you greet your boss?

A. What's up

B. Top of the morning to ya sweetie

C. Good morning, how are you doing?

D. Hey babe

Answer: Good morning, how are you doing?

Bonus: What is Emily's last name?


What flowery festival occurs in Washington, D.C. every April? 

A. The Rose Festival

B. The Lily Festival

C. The Cherry Blossom Festival

D. The Purple Rose Festival

Answer: The Cherry Blossom Festival


Which country does apple pie come from?


B. Ecuador

C. England

D. Canada

Answer: England

Bonus: Name another type of pie


Good decision making skills saves ________ and _________.

A. Money and food

B. Time and resources

C. People and risks

Answer: Time and resources

Bonus: What is the capital of the United States?


If you have 30 minutes left in your shift and your boss asks you to take out the trash which takes 15 minutes and clean the floors which takes 20 minutes do you have enough time to complete those tasks?

Answer: 15 minutes + 20 minutes = 35 minutes

So no, you do not have enough time.

Bonus: Should you let staff know when you are leaving the room to go to the bathroom?


Name at least tip on how to make a good impression during an interview.

Answer: Answers will vary.

Possible answers: Dress for the job you want; Arrive 5-10 minutes early; Enter a room confidently; Offer a firm handshake; Be kind to everyone; Act interested; Be prepared to talk about the company and yourself; Do a pre-interview body check; Check your smile, etc.

Bonus: How do you sign "thank you"?


April 6 celebrates a fluffy fight we can get behind. What day is it? 

A. National Flower Fight

B. National Cotton Candy Fight

C. National Snowball Fight

D. National Pillow Fight Day

Answer: National Pillow Fight Day 


Which country does chocolate come from?

A. Mexico

B. Portugal

C. South Sudan


Answer: Mexico

Bonus: What does "hola" mean in Spanish?


Jason is the lead cashier at the diner. The diner needs a new greeting. Jason asked all five cashiers to come up with a slogan. Jason and the cashiers collaborate to determine the top three slogans. Jason reviews the top three and determines which one will be the new slogan. What type of decision making is this?

A. Consensus Decision Making

B. Voter Decision Making

C. Collaborative Decision Making

D. Command Decision Making

Answer: Collaborative Decision Making

Bonus: How many stars are on the United States flag?


When speaking about time management, a buffer is

A. A short cut on your route

B. Leaving with no extra time

C. Extra time you add to your travel time so you are not late

Answer: Extra time you add to your travel time so you are not late

Bonus: Name one work task you do at Boxes of Basics.


What piece of clothing should you NOT wear to an interview?

A. Collared shirt

B. Dress

C. Flip Flops

D. Blazer

Answer: Flip Flops

Bonus: What is Hilary's birthday month?


Which participant in the PIERS Program has a birthday on April 15th?





Answer: SP


Which country did the food hamburgers come from?

A. Germany


C. Brazil

D. Chile

Answer: Germany

Bonus: Which type of burger is eaten more often, a cheeseburger or a hamburger?