When and where was Pi Kappa Alpha Founded?
University of Virginia, March 1st, 1868
When was Kappa Pi Founded?
March, 15th, 1997
What is PIKE's fraternity flower?
Lily of the Valley
What are the PIKE pillars?
Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, Gentlemen
Who does Trey turn into after consuming a Twisted Tea (tm)?
Evil Trey or Twisted Trey
How many original PIKE Founders were there?
Name two of Kappa Pi's Founding Fathers
Look at picture
What are the two official PIKE colors?
Garnet & Gold
What is our MAIN philanthropy we donate to?
Cure Kids Cancer
What is the curvature of Race's hairline?
What are all the full names of the PIKE Founders?
Frederick Southgate Taylor
Littleton Waller Tazewell
James Benjamin Sclater, Jr.
Robertson Howard
Julian Edward Wood
William Alexander
What is the highest consecutive amount of years PIKE won a Smythe?
13 years
What are the three core values of Pi Kappa Alpha?
Friendship, Love, and Truth
How many active PIKE chapters are there currently?
What is P-Man's position within the fraternity?
Scholarship Chairman
What year was the first PIKE University hosted?
What is the largest new member class in Kappa Pi history?
38 men
What is the name of the Pi Kappa Alpha magazine?
The Shield & Diamond
Where is the Pi Kappa Alpha Headquarters?
Memphis, TN
How much money did J pay Cody to break the table?
Which founding father was the first to propose the idea of forming Pi Kappa Alpha?
Frederick Southgate Taylor
What fraternity lived in the chapter house before PIKE?
Alpha Tau Omega
What is the jewel of the fraternity and mascot?
Diamond and a White Horse
What famous actor and comedian, featured in SNL and Tommy Boy, is a former PIKE?
Chris Farley
Where can Thatcher NOT Park?