What does HYLA stand for?
High Yield Learning Activities
Where do you locate our emergency response plans?
Who is your site director?
Thalia Higareda (:
What does DDADAD stand for?
Describe Demonstrate Ask Do Adapt Debrief
Identify two of our assembly areas after a drill
1. Black top 2. upper lower field
front desk and directors email
What is Starkey's job title?
Area Supervisor for Elementary Services, Front Desk Support, and Camp Jamoa Services!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What does FPM stand for
Name two of our off-site emergency evacuation locations
1. Izzy's Parking Lot 2. Rite Aid Parking Lot
How many field trips should each program have?
minimum: 30 minutes
maximum: 1 hour
at least 1 field trip
Name 4 out of the 9 snack & supper rules
1. members eat only at designated tables
2. members stay in green zone, RED ZONE OFF LIMITS
3. members sit on benches not on top of table
4. jumping, standing, or walking on top of tables & benches is not allowed by members
5. all form of equipment stays inside the classrooms or your backpack
6. sitting underneath tables is off limit
7. please ask a staff for permission to use the restroom
8. all personal items such as; backpacks, extra sweaters, toys, blankets, art, homework stay in your classroom
9. walking feet at all times
What does ASES stand for?
After School Education & Safety
Identify two of our on-site command posts for parent/guardian member pick up
1. Library 2. Gym
To inspire and enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens
Five key elements for positive youth development
1. build a safe, positive environment
2. offer opportunities and set expectations
3. establish supportive relationships
4. provide recognition
5. create fun
What does ROPES stand for?
Responsibility, Open, Positive, Effective, Safety
What is; code red, code yellow, & soft yellow
code red: armed/unsafe individual on campus immediate lockdown or evacuation if safe
code yellow: potential threat everyone stays in classrooms program still continues
soft yellow: safety precaution program still continues, extra supervision of surroundings, doors remain locked
Name the 5 core program areas
1. Character & Leadership Development
2. Health & Life Skills
3. Education & Career Development
4. The Arts
5. Sports, Fitness, & Recreation
What is the formula for impact
Five Key Elements
High Yield Learning Activities
Targeted Programs
Regular Attendance
What is our late pick up policy?
first offense: warning is given, late policy form must be signed, after 30 minutes a fine will be assigned accordingly
second offense: $5 charge for first 10 minutes, additional $1 per minute after 10 minutes, parent/guardian meeting
third offense: the same policy as the second offense applies, parent/guardian meeting