5.0 oz.
What is the maximum weight of a Pinewood Derby car?
What do you say to the winner of a race?
The force that is applied to the Pinewood Derby car to make it move.
What is gravity?
This comes in 220, 600, and event 1,000 grit.
What is sandpaper?
Graphite is used here
What are the axles?
2 ¾ inches
What is the maximum width of a Pinewood Derby car?
Thank you
What do you say when someone congratulates you?
This is what causes the Pinewood Derby car to slow down.
What is friction?
A technique that helps paint bond to a surface.
What is priming?
More weight in the rear does this
What helps maintain momentum on the track?
7 inches
What is the maximum length of a Pinewood Derby car?
Can I help?
What do you ask after the race is over?
This causes the motion of an object to change directions.
What is force?
Placing weight in the back helps this
What is straightaway speed?
A lower profile car reduces this
What is air resistance?
1 ¾ inches
What is the standard width of the car’s wheelbase?
Good race!
What do you say to your opponent after a close race?
More mass = more potential energy
Why does a heavier car (at max weight) often go faster?
Placing weight in the front of the car helps with this
What is speed off the block?
Raising one wheel reduces this
What is friction?
Must be made from the official block
What is a requirement for the car’s body material?
Better luck next time!
What do you say to a competitor who lost?
Smoother axles reduce this
What is friction?
Use this tool to cut wood into shape
What is a coping saw or band saw?
Adding this before the race keeps your axles moving smoothly
What is dry graphite lubricant?