What time does school start?
7:15 AM
If you are a freshman in high school, what grade are you in?
9th grade
What does CTE stand for?
Career and Technical Education
When are clubs at Pinkerton typically held?
After school
How many credits do you need to graduate?
What are R and W days?
Red and White days
What is an elective course?
A course chosen by the student based on his or her career interests.
What can a student earn by passing a CTE class?
College credit(s)
What season can student athletes try out for the swimming and diving team?
What block do all lunches take place?
Block 3
Approximately what time does the bus routine start in Chester to bring you to Pinkerton?
6 AM
What is a prerequisite course?
A course that must be taken prior to taking the course of interest.
What is an internship?
The position of a student or employee who works in their area of interest to gain work experience or to meet graduation requirements.
What is a unified sports team?
Open to all students to participate without trying out
If you earn your Bachelor's degree in college, how many years did you attend college?
How many minutes do you have to transition from one class to the next?
6 minutes
What is a course credit?
A unit used to measure the completion of a subject studied by a student.
EMT classes fall under which section on the CTE wheel?
Health Science
What is one prohibited action or item mentioned in the athletic handbook that is grounds for immediate dismissal from the team?
The use or purchase of alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, tobacco, or knowingly being around any of these substances.
If you pass in an assignment and it is 5 or more days late, what is the highest grade you can earn?
How long is your flex period?
33 minutes
If you earn a Bachelor's degree from college, how many years of college did you attend?
4 years
How many elective courses do you need to graduate?
What time must a student athlete be at school by in order to participate in that day's sporting events?
9:00 AM
What is the maximum number of absences a student can have per marking period to be able to earn a grade higher than a 65%?