The Gold Cadillac
He Lion, Bruh Bear, and Bruh Rabbit
The Wolf and the House Dog
The Fox and the Crow
Do or Die

The story takes place in a time where black people were not allowed to be in the same places as white people.

What is segregation

With a loud roar, He Lion scares and disturbs animals during this time of the day.

What is morning


The wolf is always hungry.  She has to hunt and steal, but it never works because of these animals.

What are watch dogs


This story, along with "The Wolf and The House Dog," are fables, but are written as this type so that they could be performed on stage.

What is a drama


This story is a part of an Epic about this Half-man Half-god

Who is Gilgamesh


The family in the story owns a new gold Cadillac, but one member expresses how much they don't like it by not riding in it.

Who is mother


This in turn causes the animals to speak to these two animals.

Who are Bruh Bear and Bruh Rabbit


When she meets a house dog, the wolf knows that she can't eat him because he's too healthy.  This is because the house dog has gotten a lot to eat, or this vocabulary word.

What is well-fed

It's breakfast time and the fox sees this in the crows mouth.

What is cheese


Gilgamesh wants to kill Huwawa and get cedar-wood for a new gate.  However, Enkidu says that he must get permission from this "Sun God."

Who is Shamash


The story gets a little uneasy as Lois' father plans a trip to this racism-plagued state.

What is Mississippi


He Lion laugh when his told that the king of the forest is not him, but this.

Who is Man


The explanation of being a house dog sounds great to the wolf, until she notices this around the house dog's neck.

What is a collar


To get the crow warmed up, the fox give him a lot of this; a word meaning false praise.

What is flattery


Enkidu was told by this character that if he protects Gilgamesh, he will be adopted.

Who is Ninsun


Several miles after reaching the state borderline, Lois' family is stopped and bothered by this group.

Who are the police


Roaring at the real king, He Lion is startled by this object.

What is a rifle


The wolf is shocked because being a house dog means that she gives up her right to do whatever she wants, or this vocabulary word.

What is freedom


The crow is not buying what the fox is saying.  He is showing this; a word meaning a feeling that someone is guilty of something.

What is suspicion


Huwawa is ready to do battle with seven of these.

What are cloaks


After a small internal struggle with himself, father sells the car to save money for this original goal.

What is to buy a house


The change in Lion was thanks to Bruh Rabbit being this; someone that outsmarts enemies often to teach an important lesson.

What is a trickster


In the end, our "practical lesson" is being a house dog is not worth it.  We can also use this word.

What is a moral


In order to see that cheese fall, the fox requested the crow to do this.

What is sing


Per the request of Gilgamesh's mother, the Sun God is offered this by him and Enkidu.

What is water