Characters and Conflict
Reading Skills
Bud, Not Buddy
The King of Mazy May
What do we call the qualities that characters in stories have?
character traits
What are details that tell you how something looks, feels, smells, sounds, or tastes?
descriptive or sensory details
What is the setting of the story?
a foster home
What is the main conflict of the story?
Rachel is forced to wear an ugly sweater that is not hers.
Why is Walt trying to reach Dawson before his pursuers do?
He is trying to record Loren Hall's claim before the stampeders can jump it and steal his gold.
What is the way a writer reveals the personality of a character and brings him or her to life?
What does visualize mean?
To form mental pictures of characters, settings, objects, and events described in a story.
Explain the main conflict of the story.
Bud and his friend Jerry are both being moved to new foster homes.
Briefly describe Rachel's character traits.
She is mean, immature, and overreacts to small problems
Why is Walt called the King of Mazy May?
He risked his life to help out a friend.
List four ways in which authors can use indirect characterization to reveal character traits.
1. Describing appearance 2. Describing speech. 3. Showing actions and behavior. 4. Revealing thoughts and feelings. 5. Including other characters' views.
Why is visualization important when reading a story?
Visualizing will help you understand a character's traits and how those traits influence story events.
This was the third foster home I was going to and I'm used to packing up and leaving, but it still surprises me that there are always a few seconds, right after they tell you you've got to go, when my nose gets all runny and my throat gets all choky and my eyes get all stingy. What type of characterization does the author use here?
He uses indirect characterization - the character's own thoughts/feelings
Why does Rachel say she feels 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1?
There are some days where you feel stupid, or cry, and you act like a different age (like 5 or 3).
Describe Walt (at least three character traits).
Small, manly, brave, smart, knows things most boys don't, isn't familiar with things most boys are, loyal
Explain the following four terms: protagonist, antagonist, external conflict, and internal conflict.
Protagonist - main character in any conflict Antagonist - a character who opposes the main character External conflict - struggle with other characters, nature, or society Internal conflict - struggle within the character (making a tough decision or overcoming fear).
Explain the meaning of inference and how to make inferences.
An inference is a kind of guess based on evidence and your own experience. To make an inference, you must use clues from the story and combine them with your own experiences or things you already to know to make a good guess about the character. "It says, I say, And so"
Explain why the main character preferred to be called "Bud" not "Buddy."
He felt that the name "Buddy" was too immature for him. He is much more mature than other boys his age.
Make an inference about how Rachel feels when she breaks down crying in front of her class.
I believe she is embarrassed. She says she wants to be invisible, and I know that crying in front of people can be very embarrassing.
Make an inference about what hardships the men faced in the Yukon province.
They were in Canada during the winter, so it must've been cold. Also, I believe they were struggling for food since there were so many people in one location.
Explain briefly how visuals can show characters in conflict.
Characters in conflict are shown through facial expressions, body language, and actions; the use of lighting and color; and the composition, or placement, of figures in a scene or setting.
Explain why it is important to relate the story's characters and events to your own life?
Connecting to characters by recognizing qualities that you share with them will help you better understand characters' personalities and actions.
Make an inference to explain why Bud grew up so quickly. Make sure to include the important event and what age he grew up.
I believe he grew up so quickly, at age 6, because that was when his mother died. At that point, he was forced to live in foster homes, where he had no real family. He had to grow up because he needed to stay strong in such a tough situation.
List/explain the following based on the story: 1. Protagonist 2. Antagonist 3. Conflict (and is it internal or external)
1. Rachel 2. Mrs. Price and her classmates 3. The main conflict is that Rachel must keep and wear an ugly sweater that is not hers. This conflict is mostly external as she is struggling against her classmates and Mrs. Price.
How is the story's external conflict heightened near the end of the story? And why do you think the author decided to intensify the conflict in this way?
The conflict is heightened when the claim jumpers begin shooting at Walt at close range - Walt's death becomes a real possibility. the author might want readers to realize that Walt is in a life-or-death situation.