Turtle Story
Coping Skills

Is it okay to feel angry?

Yes! It is okay to feel angry, but it is not okay to act out in anger.


What is the first step of the Turtle Secret?

Accept your feelings


Show me how you take a deep breath.

Smell the flower, Blow out the birthday candles 


Name two qualities of a bad friend.

Says mean things, Ignores you, Hurts you, Argues, Doesn't care about your feelings, etc.


What was your favorite part of Pinocchio?


What does your body feel like when you are angry?

Face gets hot, Body feels tight/tense, Clench my fists, Heart beats fast, Breathing gets harder/faster, Start to sweat, Clench my teeth, Stomach gets upset, Head hurts, Body starts to shake, etc. 


What is one coping strategy Ralph or Lesley used in the story?

Listening to music, Positive self-talk, Relax in your shell, etc. 


Name 1 coping skill you can use at home and 1 coping skill you can use at school when feeling strong emotions. 


Name two qualities of a good friend 

Shares, Helps, Compliments, Plays fair, Uses kind words, Listens, Take turns, Apologizes, etc. 


What was one thing you learned from Pinocchio?


What happens when we hold in our anger?

It builds up and we might "explode" with anger making inappropriate choices. 


What is step two or three of the turtle secret?

2. Relax for a moment 

3. Think about things you can do to help yourself


Create an I-message to tell a peer how you felt when they colored on your art project. 

I feel (sad, angry)

Because (you colored on my paper)

Please (don't do it again, apologize)


Give peer or yourself a compliment.  

A compliment is saying something nice about someone else. You can compliment positive characteristics, appearance, actions. 


Name three of your strengths. 


How can you tell how a friend is feeling?

Facial expression, body language, tone of voice, etc. 


How do we relax in our shells when we do not have shells?

Take a deep breath, put your head down, close your eyes, lay on the couch, etc. 


Visualize your Happy Place. Describe it to me using your 5 senses. 

Did you describe what your Happy Place smells, tastes, looks, feels, and sounds like? 

Friends apologize when they have done something wrong even if its an accident. Why do you think it's a good idea to apologize? 

To show friends you care about their feelings. 


Why is it important to respect others personal space?

So they have space to feel comfortable and we don't pop their personal space bubble


Sometimes we think we are feeling angry when really it is a different feeling. For example, John came to school and forgot to complete his homework. His teacher yelled at him in front of the entire class and then all his classmates laughed at him. 

He is likely feeling embarrassed. 


Tell me a time when you used the Turtle Secret steps and what happened or how could you use the steps?


A classmate bumps your arm causing you to scribble on your paper. You think he did it on purpose, my paper is ruined. Change the negative thought into a positive thought. 

It was an accident, I can fix it.

They didn't mean it, I can get another paper. 


Friends play fair. Tell me about a time your or a friend wasn't playing fair. How did it make you feel? What could you have done differently? 


Is it okay to make a mistake? Why?

Yes, Mistakes help us learn and show we are trying!