What kind of animals is Old Yeller?
A Dog
What is the top selling board game in the U.S.?
What element is said to keep the bones strong?
What breakfast drink has the most caffeine?
What's the largest type (extant) of deer?
Which came first the car or the motorcycle?
The motorcycle
What type of ball sports "dimples"?
A golf ball
Which has more deadly poison- A rattlesnake or a black widow spider?
A black widow spider
What vegetable is known to help you see in the dark?
A Carrot
What is the name of the kids Network?
What is the smallest breed of dog?
The Chihuahua
Which country has the largest population?
Do sponges have hearts?
What fast food was often called the "frank" by the late 1920's?
The hot dog or frankfurter
What is the tallest breed of dog?
The Great Dane
What are the primary colors?
Red, yellow, and blue
In which game would you find Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet, and Professor Plum?
How many chambers in the human heart?
What was the first sweetened carbonated soft drink - Coca-cola, Buffalo Rock or Ginger Ale?
Ginger Ale
What circus job did Dolly Dimples hold before she lost 392lbs?
The Fat Lady
What are Olympic medals made of?
Gold, Silver and Bronze
What ice cream dessert did waitresses once refer to as a "houseboat"?
A banana split
When do your toenails grow fastest- spring, summer, fall, or winter?
What is the least expensive and most popular fruit?
A banana
In which country was Golf first played?
Scotland, in 1764
What pets are Pounce treats made for?
How did Yankee Doodle get to town, according to the song?
Riding on his pony
What is the body's heaviest internal organ?
The liver
What is the name of Japanese rice wine?
What team sport is known as the fastest game on Earth?
Ice Hockey
What company makes "501" jeans?
Levi Strauss
A tick can make you allergic to what food?
Red meat
How many ribs does the human body have
What is the biggest Mexican fast-food restaurant franchise in the U.S.
Taco Bell
What is the color of the tops of Duracell batteries?
Copper - "The copper top battery" their slogan