Pipeline Trackers
DevPhases & DevOutcomes
What Would You Do?

Best way to check the health of your pipeline.

What is the Weekly Pipeline Tracker?


Having more than this number in Lead Intro can clog your pipeline.

What is 50?
**Accepting answers 50-70 for Other Clients**


All notes should start with this.

What is the connected phone field. 

DL > GK > KDM - pitch notes
M > KDM - pitch notes


Name all DevOutcomes in which a prospect would receive a Process Email.

Intro, No Interest, No Response, Info, Wait


Your client has a annual recurring revenue qualifier. While in Cleansing, you confirm the KDM's name, title, and email. Before moving them to Lead Intro, you can do what to decrease the chance of a TOC. 

Google "CompanyName annual recurring revenue Zoominfo" / Estimate their qualifier using online sources. Suspend if underqualified.


A pipeline tracker that is Green in all fields except % to Goal indicates you may need to work on developing what?

Better Pitch / Close


This number or less in Cleansing let's you know it's time to launch more Suspects.

What is 150?


Resources you can use to qualify a prospect. (3)

What are Internet, Gatekeepers, KDMs?


How frequently you should dial in Cleansing per Account?

30-45 mins daily


Every time you call, the GK tells you they "don't need what you're selling" and hangs up before you can say anything else. What is the first thing you should do?

Establish if they are qualified using a reputable source. If not qualified, Suspend Suspend Suspend! 


What daily goal for KDMs ID keeps your Pipeline Tracker on pace to be green by EOW?

2 KDMs ID per account daily (per block)
8-10 KDMs ID total daily (whole day)


What is the purpose of Lead Info/when is it used?

A KDM is interested in setting a date/time meeting within the week but needs additional information.


This is what you should do on any contact record anytime you find qualifying information online. 

What is citing your source in the notes.


This DevOutcome is the best place to move a KDM who tells you "just send them an email".

What is No Interest?


When calling No Interests, the person on the record answers but tells you they are not the KDM after all. They give you the name of the actual KDM. What phase/outcome should they be in?

Lead Intro (always update the email!)


A pipeline tracker that is Green in Pitches and % to Goal but Red in KDM ID and Intros indicates a rep might be doing what?



This DevOutcome is used to indicate a contact is inaccurate and helps Operations maintain an accurate database for all pipelines

BONUS: +100 if you can name 3.

No Longer with Company
Not Decision Maker
Out of Business
Research Dead End


This is a way to decrease TOCs and increase qualified Appts. 

Actively Seek to Suspend underqualified records. 

Learn at least 1 piece of new info per call (either by asking or researching)


While in Cleansing, you find out the KDM's name is different than the one on the record. Doing this ensures Process Emails go to the correct person.

What is updating the email field?

**What if the GK didn't tell you their email?


You just set an appointment, but after getting off the phone, you realize you forgot to confirm the employee count with the KDM. When you attempt to call them back at their mobile, you get their voicemail. The client has not approved qualifying appointments through online sources (yet), what do you do?

Call the main line and ask the GK (anyone else at the company who can give a solid answer).


What weekly number is necessary for the following metrics to turn a weekly pipeline tracker green?

New Intros
% to Goal

KDM ID = +10 weekly
New Intros = +5 weekly
Pitches = +7 weekly
% to Goal = +25%weekly


Dialing in Suspect, a prospect tells you they're too busy for your call now and to call back in a week. What DevPhase/Outcome is appropriate to use?


We didn't ID the KDM so it is not accurate to move them to Lead (yet).


How could you use Google Maps to estimate an on-site employee count qualifier? 

Look at the satellite view in Google Maps at number of parking lot spaces


When you need Pitches, you can increase your Contact Rate by doing these 4 things.

1. Dial Mobiles/Directs only
2. Call No Interests
3. Change your Call-from number
4. Ask to be transferred to another KDM or KDI (key decision influencer) in the same call


Every time you call a prospect, the GK tells you they're not interested and hangs up. When you Google the company, only the main line you've been calling comes up. There are no other numbers on the record. The prospect appears to be qualified, but you are unable to confirm using web sources. What do you do?

Suspend (Research Dead End)