What has 5 fingers but isn’t alive
A glove
Whats 250x100
What percent of males and females are at the Pattonville high school?
48% female and 52% male
What are the Pattonville school colors
Black, green, white
What gets bigger, the more you take away?
A hole
Whats 5a+5a
How many hours do cats sleep a day
16 to 18 hours a day.
What percent of males and females are at the Pattonville high school?
48% female And 52% male
What can a child make but not hold?
A noise
if you have 5 packs of 75 pencils, how many pencils do you have in total
What fear is Odontophobia
Fear of teeth
How many student are at this middle school?
What can be found in the water but never be wet?
A reflection
what 62?
Whats the most common name?
Whats the school logo
What month of the year has 28 days?
All of the months
whats 465x8457
What does Karoke in Japanese
empty orchestra
When’s the last day of school?
May 24th