What does the story grammar marker help us do?
Tell a complete story that includes all the parts.
What comes first in a sequential expository story?
What is the noun in the following sentence?
"A funny parrot flew across the ocean yesterday."
Who is the character in How I became a Pirate?
Jeremy Jacob
How do you say hello in pirate language?
What is first on the story grammar marker?
The Character!
What are some key words that can be used for the STEPS in a sequential expository?
First, Next, Then, After that, Finally, To begin with, Before, Soon after, in the beginning...
What is the "where" in the following sentence?
"The angry pirate yelled on the ship in the afternoon."
On the ship
What is the setting in How I Became a Pirate?
The beach
Where do kid pirates go for fun?
The arrrrghh-cade!
What are some key words for plan attempts?
First, Then, After that, Next, Finally.
The purpose is to tell the steps in a process.
What is the verb in the following sentence?
"The playful pirate swam in the ocean at midnight."
What are the plan attempts in How I Became A Pirate?
First, Jeremy Jacob learned to sing sea chanteys and speak pirate language.
Next, Jeremy Jacob learned pirate manners.
Then, Jeremy Jacob went to bed without brushing his teeth or getting tucked in.
Finally, a terrible storm came, and nobody comforted Jeremy.
How did Jeremy Jacob feel when the pirates returned him home?
Happy, relieved, tired, glad
What are the three components of the critical thinking triangle?
The Kickoff
The Feeling
Make a Plan
Is stating the necessary materials an important part of sequential?
What is the article in the following sentence?
"An adorable treasure chest sunk in the water in the morning."
What is the kickoff in How I Became a Pirate?
Suddenly, Jeremy saw a pirate ship rowing to the shore. The pirates took Jeremy to be a digger to bury their treasure.
What is the final component of our story that goes very last?
The ending feeling
What are key words for the kickoff?
Suddenly, Uh-oh, All of a sudden, One day, Oops, Just then...
What do we use to end a sequential expository writing?
What is the adjective in the following sentence?
"A massive pirate ship sailed to the island yesterday."
What is the tie-up in How I Became a Pirate?
As a result, he pirates and Jeremy buried the treasure in Jeremy's backyard, but Jeremy decided he did want to be a pirate.
What made jeremy Jacob feel sad while he was on the pirate ship?