Was Blackbeard a Pirate or Privateer?
He was a Pirate.
True or False? Women pirates were though as good luck.
False, They were not.
True or False? Slave owners let enslaved people run away for free.
False, Never has that happened.
What was the most common weapon?
A Cutlass.
Free 100 points!
Good choice.
True or False? Anyone could switch between Privateering and Pirates multiple times.
True. In some governments they let people switch back and forth for benefits.
True or False? Women were not allowed to be a pirate.
Has there been a Black pirate captain ever?
Yes, one person is Henri Cesar.
What was the most common gun?
A Musket.
How many pirates were usually on a pirates ship?
50, but Queen Anne's Revenge carried 300 to 400 pirates.
Whats the main difference between Privateering and Pirates?
Pirates worked outside of the law.
True or false? Abigail Adams was a pirate.
False, she was an early advocate for women rights.
If an enslaved person joined a ship would their captain treat them equally?
Yes, some captains treated their crew mates equally.
What was a Weapon that pirates in the 1600 and 1700 used A.Banana. B.Flame thrower. C.greek kopis.
C.greek kopis.
What was the most common way pirates died.
Scurvy, It was the bane of sailer without nutrition.
True or False? Pirates were paid more than Privateers.
False. Pirates would not be paid but they would get treasure/money from the loot.
True or False? Some female pirates were captains.
True, Some female captains were Mary Read and Anne Bonny.
How many pirates were enslaved before they became pirates?
It is about 1/3 of the total amount of pirates ever.
Why did pirates not like to use a sniper or rifle?
They would have to have quick hands which most didn't have.
Why did pirates wear eye patches?
To help them see in the dark.
What were privateers main job?
Privateers were pirates sent by their government to rob enemy ships on a time of war.
True or False? Women could only join a ship if everyone agreed.
True or False? Black pirates were executed for being on a pirate ship after being caught.
True, all pirates that were caught would be executed.
What was the worst weapon to fight with?
Rifle because if you miss your shot your cooked.
True or False? The Jolly Roger came from the british empire.
False, The term Jolly Roger comes from "joli rouge" which is French for "pretty red" Which shows they aren't afraid of war.