Pirates of the Carribean
Fun Facts
Famous Pirates
It's the pirate's life for me
Pirate Flags

This is the name of Will Turner's father.

A. Ugly Mug Bill

B. Scurvy Bones Bill

C. Boot Straps Bill

D. Free Booter Bill

Who is C. Boot Straps Bill?


One of the most influential and powerful pirates was a woman who commanded more than ___ ships.

From 100 - 500 ships

What is 300?


This pirate captain, who sailed the seas in the 1700s, was notoriously vicious and apparently didn't hesitate to use extreme violence when they deemed it necessary.

A. Captain Calico Jack

B. Captain Anne Bonny

C. Captain Blackbeard

D. Captain William Kidd

Who is Captain Blackbeard?


William Kidd and this well-known woman pirate were known to have fallen in love and fight together. 

A. Mary Read

B. Anne Bonny

C. Anne Dieu-le-Veut

D. Charolette de Berry

Who is B. Anne Bonny?


His flag was black with a red skeleton. 

A. Captain Blackbeard

B. Captain Barabossa

C. Captain Edward Low

D. Captain Calico Jack

Who is C. Captain Edward Low?

Edward Low was a particularly ruthless pirate who had a long and successful career (by pirate standards). He took over a hundred ships throughout two years, from 1722 to 1724. A cruel man, he was eventually kicked out by his men and set adrift in a small boat.


This is the name of Davy Jones' ship.

What is The Flying Dutchman?


Pirates stole this as treasure too.

A. Dogs

B. Books

C. Parrots

D. Sweets

What is B. Books?

According to National Geographic, some members of pirate crews were literate and were essential for reading navigational charts. Books were even sometimes part of the booty taken from ships that the pirates pilfered.


This captain drafted a code that established that "the lights and candles [are] to be put out at eight o'clock at night.

A. Captain Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts

B. Captain William Kidd

C. Captain Blackbeard

D. Captain Henry Morgan

Who is A. Captain Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts?

While pirates are known for being a raucous bunch, they did follow a strict set of rules—namely, the pirate code.


This female pirate dressed up as a male when she was younger to inherit her grandmother's wealth.

A. Anne Bonny

B. Charlotte de Berry

C. Captain Ching Shih

D. Mary Read

Who is D. Mary Read?


This pirate's flag was a skeleton and a man holding an hourglass between them.

A. Captain William Kidd

B. Captain Blackbeard

C. Captain Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts

D. Captain Calico Jack

Who is C. Captain Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts?

Black Bart used several flags during this time. The one usually associated with him was black with a white skeleton and white pirate holding an hourglass between them: it meant that time was running out for his victims.


This is the name of Barbosa's monkey.

Who is Jack the Monkey?


Pirates did not actually do this...

A. Wear an Eye Patch

B. Have Parrots as Pets

C. Walk the Plank

D. Bury Treasure

What is C. Walk the Plank?

There are a couple of tales of pirates walking the plank well after the “Golden Age” ended, but little evidence to suggest that this was a common punishment before then.  


The first female pirate was named this.

A. Mary Read

B. Anne Bonny

C. Grace O'Malley 

D. Rachel Wall

Who us D. Rachel Wall?

Rachel Wall was eventually arrested and "put to death" at the age of 29.


This pirate, in early life, was hired on to hunt down pirates before becoming a pirate himself.

A. Captain William Kidd

B. Captain Henry Morgan

C. Captain Francis Drake

D. Captain L’Olonnais

Who is A. Captain William Kidd?


This pirate is known for his skull and crossbones upon his flag.

A. Captain William Kidd

B. Captain Blackbeard

C. Captain Calico Jack

D. Captain Stede Bonnet

Who is C. Captain Calico Jack?

A reason he is well known was his very cool pirate flag: a blackjack that showed a skull over crossed cutlasses. Even though other pirates were more successful, his flag has gained fame as "the" pirate flag.


This was the name of Captain Jack Sparrow's Ship.

What is the Black Pearl?


This famous figure was captured by pirates.

A. Octavian

B. Julius Caesar

C. Marcus Antonius

D. Cleopatra

What is B. Julius Caesar?

When he was 25-years-old, he was taken prisoner by pirates and held captive for 38 days. The pirates demanded ransom for Caesar's release and, according to Britannica, "when [they] told him that they had set his ransom at the sum of 20 talents, he laughed at them for not knowing who it was they had captured and suggested that 50 talents would be a more appropriate amount."

Caesar made himself at home among the pirates, bossing them around and shushing them when he wanted to sleep.

He made them listen to the speeches and poems that he was composing in his unanticipated downtime and berated them as illiterates if they weren't sufficiently impressed.


Bartholomew ‘Black Bart’ Roberts was perhaps one of the most victorious pirates in history. Throughout his career, he had plundered more than this many ships.

A. 600

B. 500

C. 400

D. 300

What is C. 400?


This pirate might be the inspiration behind pop culture’s Captain Jack Sparrow.

A. Captain Barbarossa

B.  Captain Calico Jack

C. Captain Blackbeard

D. Captain William Kidd

Who is B. Captain Calico Jack?

Calico Jack was neither a great fighter nor a good navigator. Still, he was a real pirate legend. Perhaps because Jack was the first pirate to create the flag that is now synonymous with all pirates: the skull with two of the swords crossing or maybe he was the only pirate who successfully incorporated women into his crew.



This pirate's flag is a skull with a bone underneath and a heart and dagger to either side.

A. Captain Henry Avery

B. Captain Edward Low

C. Captain Stede Bonnet

D. Captain Calico Jack

Who is C. Captain Stede Bonnet?

A wealthy planter from Barbados, Bonnet got sick of his nagging wife. He did the only logical thing: he bought a ship, hired some men and sailed out to become a pirate. The only problem was that he didn't know one end of the ship from the other! Fortunately, he soon fell in with none other than Blackbeard himself, who showed the rich landlubber the ropes.


This is the name of the ship that Jack and Will commandeer in the first movie.

A. The Rising Sun

B. Royal Fortune

C. The Interceptor

D. The Plague Storm

What is C. The Interceptor?


Historians have found evidence of pirates in the Mediterranean as far back as 1353 B.C. However, there was a "Golden Age of Piracy".

A. 1600 - 1620

B. 1650 - 1720

C. 1640 - 1730

D. 1670 - 1790

What is B. 1650 - 1720?

Usually referred to as the "Golden Age of Piracy," the period between 1650 and 1720 is when these seafaring lawbreakers saw the height of their fame, according to National Geographic. During this time, infamous pirates such as Blackbeard, Calico Jack Rackham, and Henry Morganmade names for themselves, according to Royal Museums Greenwich.


When this pirate was captured, he claimed to have left behind a buried treasure. 

A. Captain Howell Davis

B. Captain Blackbeard

C. Captain Henry Morgan

D. Captain William Kidd

Who is D. Captain William Kidd

In 2015, hundreds of years later, a group of archaeologists reportedly believe they have located a part of the missing riches. Off the coast of Madagascar in the area of Saint Marie Island, divers found a 121-pound bar of silver, which may be just a small part of the pirate's booty.


This pirate is one of the only pirates to live to tell their tale. ARGH

A. Captain William Kidd

B. Captain Bartholomew Roberts

C. Mary Read

D. Captain Henry Morgan

Who is D. Captain Henry Morgan?

Despite his prowess as a pirate, Morgan was finally apprehended by British officials and hauled back to England to face piracy charges. He was able to win a pardon from the monarch, however, thanks to his connections and power, and he spent the remainder of his life as a wealthy and respected planter in Jamaica.


This pirate's flag showed a skull wearing a kerchief in profile over crossbones.

A. Captain Henry "Long Ben" Avery

B. Captain Long John Silvers

C. Captain Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts

D. Captain Blackbeard

Who is A. Captain Henry "Long Ben" Avery?

He only ever captured a dozen ships or so, but one of them was nothing less than the Ganj-i-Sawai, the treasure ship of the Grand Moghul of India. The capture of that ship alone puts Long Ben at or near the top of the list of all-time richest pirates. He disappeared not long after. According to legends at the time, he had founded his own kingdom, married the beautiful daughter of the Grand Moghul, and had his own war fleet of 40 ships.