Abuse and Violence
Conflict Resolution
Healthy Coping

TRUE OR FALSE: There is a right way to feel in every situation

FALSE: Feelings are not right or wrong. Different people will feel different emotions depending on the situation. 


What is abuse?

Abuse is a physical, verbal, and/or emotional attack to control someone's behaviour, in order to meet your own needs. Abuse does not consider the thoughts and feelings of the other person. 


How do we communicate?

-Word choice


-Body language


What is the opposite action to a power struggle?

Healthy conflict resolution


What are 3 positive ways we can cope with overwhelming emotions?

- talk to someone supportive

- deep breathing

- distraction: engage in a hobby, like reading or music


What is the difference between guilt and shame?

Guilt has an emphasis on action and what we did: 'I did something bad'

Shame has an emphasis on self: 'I am something bad'


What is expressive violence?

Violence as a result of a reaction; in response to an emotional situation


What are the 3x unhealthy communication styles?





What are the AAA of taking responsibility?





Why can ice be useful to help us cope?

Ice activates our Mammalian Diver Response which helps calm our physiological response to stress. It helps to lower our heart rate and slow our breathing, activating our parasympathetic nervous system


TRUE OR FALSE: Emotions impact our thoughts and behaviours

True: Emotions are connected to our thoughts and behaviours. Unpleasant emotions create negative thoughts and vice versa. Unpleasant emotions can result in poor coping mechanism/behavioural choices


What is an example of instrumental violence?

Example: I punched him so I could steal his phone

Instrumental violence is goal directed; there is a means to an end. 


What are the components of active listening?


-Ask questions

-Be curious


How are 'time outs' different than 'walking away'?

Time outs give us an opportunity to calm down and regroup ourselves, so we can work towards healthy conflict resolution

Walking away is a way to avoid, ignore, or suppress an issue, usually resulting in further conflict down the road


When dealing with difficult emotions, what are 3x options for Active Coping?

-Feed it: Increase the feeling

-Watch it: Feel the feeling

-Douse it: Decrease the feeling


Do all difficult emotions increase in intensity if we don't act on them immediately?

No, emotions don't last forever. They reach a peak and then subside. 


Name at least 4x of the different types of abuse

Intimidation, threats, economic abuse, emotional abuse, using gender privilege, using isolation, using children, minimizing/denying/blaming, using technology


Name at least 1x tip for successful Assertive Communication

-Start easy

-Ask for time

-Only set limits you are willing and able to defend

-Remember 'I' statements


What are the 4x horsemen of the Apocalypse by the Gottman Institute?






What is the Wise Mind?

Logical Mind + Emotional Mind = Wise Mind. Remembering to allow space for logic and emotional reactions when making decisions


What do the AAA stand for when managing emotions?

-Awareness: What am I feeling

-Acceptance: Allowing ourselves to feel the feeling

-Active Coping: Being intention with how we cope

Gaslighting is a type of emotional abuse. What does it mean to gaslight someone?

Gaslighting is an emotional manipulation tactic to convince someone they are 'crazy'. It is used to trick people into not believing their own perception of things


Paraphrase the following: All I ever do is the dirty work around here. You come home and get to lie on the couch, and I'm left to clean-up, do the dishes, and do the laundry, after a long day

Example: It sounds like you feel stuck doing all the chores and that things are not split evenly


What are the 4x skills to replace the 4x Horsemen and manage conflict in a healthy way?

-Gentle start-up

-Accepting responsibility

-Respect and appreciation

-Comfort yourself


How can we prevent further emotional outbursts or problematic behaviours that resulted in charges?

Completing and being aware of our Risk Management Plans