Moments and Objects
Voice Actors

After Toy Story, this underrated masterpiece focuses on tiny beings and how they were personified to think and act like human beings.

What is A Bug's Life?


Like Wall E and Eva, this cleaning robot doesn't speak in full sentences is expressive and energetic.

Who is M.O.?


Was once a setting that's central to Toy Story, and the place where the squeaky aliens came from, its delivery truck pops up in almost every Pixar movie.

What is Pizza Planet?


Inside Out explains that these memories from your life forms your overall personality. 

What are Core Memories?


He voiced Monsters Incorporated's James P. "Sully" Sullivan.

Who is John Goodman?


Instead of the world being inhabitted by living beings made of flesh, scales, or shells, in this movie, all living beings but plants are made of metal. 

What is Cars?


Anton Ego's cold review may have caused Chef Gustau to die of heartbreak, but the true villain of Ratatoulli is the chef with a slight Napolean Complex.

Who is Chef Skinner?


Riley's family in Inside Out has to move from here to San Fransisco. 

What is Minnesota?


This moment from Ratatoulli probably went over our heads. Chef Skinner tries to get Linguini to spill his secret to cooking by using this method. 

What is making him drunk?


Known for his cartoony voice and estatick attitude, he played Fear in Inside Out.

Who is Bill Hader?


Pixar's very first movie to star a human family with extraordinary superpowers. 

What is The Incredibles


Inside Out is not just a meaningful movie, but teaches Joy and the audience the most important emotion of all.

Who is Sadness?


This place was mentioned in the first Toy Story, but is featured in Toy Story 2. This place has a whole section displaying Buzz Lightyear action figures and a section for Barbies.

What is Al's Toy Barn?


Before his unseen death in Ratatoulli, Chef Gustau made a cook book and became famous of this famous catch phrase.

What is "Anyone can cook"


She played the long unborn soul known as 22 in the recent movie, Soul. 

Who is Tina Fey?


While this movie takes place in a modern/mythical world of elves, centaurs, and wizards, this movie also talks about the struggles of losing a loved one and living with a single parent. 

What is Onward?


Woody and Buzz are the main focus of Toy Story, but this nostalgic toy steals the show with his snarky attitude and sarcastic comebacks.

Who is Mr. Potato Head?


Coco is a movie about a Mexica Holiday tributing to the dead as younger Miguel finds who his great great grandfather was in the Land of the Dead. However, in Soul, Joe Gardener ditches death and gets himself here. 

What is The Great Before?


As Russle was about to get his "Assisting the Elderly" badge in the end of Up, Carl instead gives him a higher honer bestoed as this. 

What is the "Ellie" badge?


One is a humble actor that played Forest Gump, and the other was in The Santa Clause. Together they are the iconic duo known as Shierrif Woody and Buzz Lightyear.

Who are Tom Hanks and Tim Allen?


The most famous addition to this beloved Pixar series that brings people of all ages up in the feels by the end. 

What is Toy Story 3?


While she has a short-term memory loss condition, she's the one that helped reunite Marlin and Nemo.

Who's Dory?


Daily Double: During Edna's rant about capes, her first mentions were Thunderhead and Stratogail. As she mentioned, they both met their fates in these dates due to their capes. 

Thunderhead: November 15th, 1958
Statogail: April 23rd, 1957


This code representing a classroom number can be spotted in all Pixar films, and even in Ralph Breaks the Internet

What is A113


Best known as Nick Fury in the Mavel Universe, he played as Lucius Best, AKA Frozone, in Incredibles 1 and 2.

Who is Samuel L. Jackson?