Child Safety
Outdoor Safety
Hygiene/General Best Practices
Food & Nutrition

In locked cabinets and drawers.

Where do we store items that are sharp, dangerous or marked "keep out of reach of children" or plastic bags?

"Loose plastic bags must be stored in areas inaccessible to children. "

"Items labeled “keep out of reach of children” must be inaccessible to children."

"Sharp tools and instruments must be stored in areas inaccessible to children."


Indoor and outdoor equipment, materials, and furnishings must be sturdy, safe, and free of hazards.

What are the safety requirements for the playground and classroom?

"Indoor and outdoor equipment, materials, and furnishings must be sturdy, safe, and free of hazards."


Before and after playing in the tactile table or with playdough.

When do we wash our hands?

*Entering the classroom (welcoming).   * Before & after playing in the tactile table or with playdough.   *Before and after eating.    *After sneezing or coughing.   *After blowing my nose.   *After coming inside from the playground.    *After using the toilet.     *After holding or petting animals.


Encourage children to try a variety of food served and prompt meaningful conversations.

What are the expectations for staff during meal/snack time?

"Staff members must sit with the children and encourage them to try a variety of food served. During meals, children should be encouraged to engage in conversation and to express their independence."


This must be secured out of children's reach to prevent strangulation.

How are window blind cords stored?

"Window blind cords must be secured out of children's reach to prevent strangulation."


Children must wear helmets when riding scooters, bicycling?

What do children have to wear before riding bikes?

"Children must wear helmets when riding scooters, bicycling, skateboarding, or rollerblading. The helmet must be removed after the activity. Motorized riding toys are not permitted."

"Trampolines and inflatable bouncers are prohibited."


Screen time is prohibited during snack or meal times.

When is screen time/media not allowed?

"Screen time is prohibited during snack or meal times."


In the district's main commercial kitchen.

Where do we wash fresh fruits and vegetables?

All ETE PK's fruits and vegetables are washed in the district kitchen.


Toys, toy parts, furnishings, equipment, and materials made of brittle, easily breakable plastic or glass.

What is not permitted in the classroom?

"Toys, toy parts, furnishings, equipment, and materials made of brittle, easily breakable plastic or glass are not permitted for children less than five (5) years of age."


Identify hazardous, high-risk areas; those areas must be made inaccessible to children to reduce the possibility of injuries and accidents.

What are staff responsibilities?

"The staff must identify hazardous, high-risk areas; those areas must be made inaccessible to children to reduce the possibility of injuries and accidents."


2.5 - 3 years is 16 children. 3 - 4 years is 20 children.

What is the maximum adult to child ratio?

"Group size for children in preschool and school-age classrooms may be exceeded for circle time, meal and snack time, special occasions, and activities."

"The licensed room capacity must not be exceeded at any time."

"In other preschool age combinations, the maximum group size for the youngest child must be utilized if more than twenty percent (20%) of the group is composed of younger children"


In such a manner as to be clean, wholesome, free from spoilage, and safe for human consumption.

How must food be prepared and stored?

"All food must be prepared, served, and stored in such a manner as to be clean, wholesome, free from spoilage, and safe for human consumption. Home-canned vegetables, fruits, and meats cannot be served."  "Foods offered shall be age appropriate and not pose a choking hazard."


Dry material or water play should be offered to children at least monthly and year-round.

How often are tactile table materials available to children?

"Some sand or equivalent dry material or water play should be offered to children eighteen (18) months of age or older, indoors or outdoors, at least monthly and year-round."


All outdoor play areas used for children’s activities must be checked daily and kept safe and free from hazardous materials or debris.

How do we keep our playground safe?

"All outdoor play areas used for children’s activities must be checked daily and kept safe and free from hazardous materials or debris by removal of debris, dilapidated structures, and broken or worn play equipment"


It is applied thirty (30) minutes before going outdoors.

How often do we apply sunscreen?

"The center must apply sunscreen, have the parent(s)/guardian(s) apply sunscreen, or use another form of parent/guardian approved sun protection for children prior to children going outside. 

Sunscreen must be reapplied as directed by the product label. a. When the parent(s)/guardian(s) applies sunscreen, the center must have a mechanism for documenting application times to ensure sunscreen is reapplied as directed by the product label. 

If documentation of application time is not available, the center must ensure that sunscreen is applied thirty (30) minutes before going outdoors. If the child will be outside for more than one hour, sunscreen must be reapplied every two hours."


At least one week in advance, dated, and available to parents.

How often are we required to provide meal menus to parents?

"Meal menus must be planned at least one week in advance, dated, and available to parents. After use, menus must be filed and retained for three (3) months. Records must be available for periodic review and evaluation."


Final Jeopardy:

The plan must include all information needed to care for the child,must include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Medication and dosing schedule; b. Nutrition and feeding instructions; c. Medical equipment or adaptive devices, including instructions; d. Medical emergency instructions; e. Toileting and personal hygiene instructions; f. Behavioral interventions; and, g. Medical procedure/intervention orders  

What is a individual child health plan?


Climbing equipment must have a six (6) foot area surrounding the equipment.

What is the fall zone around climbing equipment?

"Preschool and school-age climbing equipment must have a six (6) foot use zone surrounding the equipment. For slides exceeding six (6) feet in height, the use zone from the base of the slide must be as long as the slide height. ."


A place inaccessible to children.

Where do we store diaper changing products/supplies?

"All diaper change areas must: Have a place inaccessible to children for storing all changing supplies and disinfecting solutions and products. (wipes, diapers, cleaners)


No more than twice per week.

How often can we serve 100% fruit juice?

"If 100% fruit juice, which is not a sugar sweetened beverage, is offered as part of meals and/or snacks, it must be limited to no more than twice per week."