The worst grade this person has ever received was on a physics test.
Who is Cole?
This person enjoys skiing the "wicked powder."
Who is Patrick?
This person drove right through a stop sign in front of a cop. The cop pulled out, but then just left.
Who is Cole?
This person can't get enough sleep.
Who is Ally?
The #1 song on this person's Spotify was Eenie Meenie by Justin Bieber and Sean Kingston.
Who is Tselha?
This person got lost in the hallway during a lockdown drill.
Who is Graeham?
This person broke their nose playing Gaga Ball in 8th grade.
Who is Jackie?
This person will often forget they are driving while they are driving.
Who is Sylvia Richards?
This person can't get enough of making reading lists that they never actually read.
Who is Sylvia Burkman?
This person's theme song is "Gonna Fly Now."
Who is Ethan?
This person got sent "for a walk" for hiccuping in middle school English.
Who is Catherine?
This person organizes their pantry with a label maker for fun/stress relief.
Who is Mia?
The cuteness of a group of ducklings once diffused an argument between this person and their mom. In fact, they were so cute, this person almost drove off the shoulder.
Who is Sylvia Burkman?
This person's favorite class is PL2.
Who is Jackie?
This person's favorite song is The Last Time by Taylor Swift.
Who is Sarah?
This person had their foot in the aisle on the bus, so the driver brought everyone back to school.
Who is Ally?
This person spent their recent free time making a Dance Dance Revolution Controller.
Who is Noah?
These two people have both hit a tree while leaving their driveway.
Who are Mia and Sarah?
This person can't get enough of randomly rolling their R's or saying "weee" in the middle of a convo.
Who is Sylvia Richards?
This person's theme song is Upside Down by Jack Johnson.
Who is Graeham?
This person was asked to lead the sub plans in 3rd grade.
Who is Ethan?
This person only enjoys reading when the book is assigned.
Who is Tselha?
This person has never hit an animal while driving.
Who is Patrick?
This person can't get enough of nostalgic early-2000 music.
The song that this person dislikes the most is Landslide.
Who is Catherine?