Place Value + 10 000
Place Value + 100 000
Place value + 1 000 000
Value of the digit
Mental Math

Read the following number out loud: 33 450

What is thirty three thousand four hundred fifty


Read the following number out loud:

456 124

What is four hundred fifty six thousand one hundred twenty four


Read the following number out loud: 

3 283 302

What is 3 million two hundred eighty three thousand three hundred two


What is the value of the 5 in the following digit:

45 676

What is five thousand


Find the product for the following numbers:

11 and 4

What is forty four


Read the following number out loud: 99 012

What is ninety nine thousand twelve


Read the following number out loud: 

388 003

What is three hundred eighty eight thousand three


Read the following number out loud: 

21 483 928?

What is twenty one million four hundred eighty three thousand nine hundred twenty eight.


What is the value of the 3 in the following digit:

341 567

What is three hundred thousand


Find the difference for the following digits:

52 909 and 51 808

What is 1101


Which is bigger: 52 092  or  52 902

What is fifty two thousand nine hundred two


Which is in increasing order + read both numbers out loud:

A) 432 124 and 431 354

B) 431 354 and 432 124

What is A) 432 124 and 431 354

Four hundred thirty two thousand one hundred twenty four, Four hundred thirty one thousand three hundred fifty four

(points given only if the correct answer is chosen and the number is read properly) 


Place the following in decreasing order: 

 93 382 007, 93 328 700, 93 381 999, 92 999 999

What is 93 382 007; 93 381 999;  93 328 700;
92 999 999


What is the value of the 0 in the following:

32 108 983

What is zero


What is the quotient for the following digits:

32 and 9

What is four


Add 1532 to the following number: 29 459

What is 30 991


Subtract 2341 to the following number:

567 124

What is 564 783

five hundred sixty four thousand seven hundred eighty three


Find the sum for the following: 

625 258 255 and 70 844 272

What is 696 102 527

Six hundred ninety six million, one hundred two thousand five hundred twenty seven.


What is the value of the 9 in the following:

92 874 564

What is ninety million


Find the sum for the following money :

5 toonies, 20 dimes and 5 nickles 

What is twelve dollars and twenty-five cents 


Write the following in standard form:

8 Hundred Thousands + 1 Ten Thousand + 2 Tens + 9 Ones 

What is 81 029


Write the following in standard form:

300 000 + 5000 + 700 + 40 + 1 

What is 305,741


Write the following in standard form: 

1 000 000 + 500 000 + 9000 + 700 + 6 

What is 1 509 706


What is the value of the 1 in the following:

123 456 789

What is one hundred million


How many of each would you need to make one dollar:

10 cents:

1 cents:

25 cents: 

5 cents:

What is: 

10 cents: 10

1 cents: 100

25 cents: 4

5 cents: 20