What is the value of the digit in the thousands place of the number 493,849
What is three million, two hundred thirty one thousand, four hundred sixteen written in standard form?
How would you write the fraction 56/100 as a decimal?
Order the decimals from greatest to least.
0.56, 0.590, 0.512
0.590, 0.56, 0.512
Which number is greater: 458,393.84 or 458,394.12?
What is the value of the 4 in the number 342?
Write the word form for the number 273,930
two hundred seventy-three thousand, nine hundred thirty
How would you write the number five hundred thirty two and eight hundred twenty one thousandths in standard form?
Order the decimals: 0.485, 0.483, 0.493, and 0.49 from greatest to least.
0.49, 0.493, 0.485, 0.483
Place these numbers in order from greatest to least
192,394,291; 190,304,129; 192,384,291
192,394,291; 192,384,291; 190,304,129
What is the value of the number 3 in the number 306,495
Write the word form for the number 3,493.92
three thousand, four hundred ninety-three and ninety two hundredths
Which decimal is greater, 0.294 or 0.245?
Who had the most money in their bank account?
Yumi : 192,394
Grace: 187,384
Marshall: 193,945
Sky: 192,304
Which number makes number sentence true:
687,394 > __________
A. 687,495
B. 687,390
C. 687,395
D. 687,493
B. 387,390
What is the place value of the number 5 in 456,012,947?
Write the word form for 19,394,130.2
nineteen million, three hundred ninety four thousand, one hundred thirty and two tenths
Write the numbers 5,343,045 ; 5,394,934 ; 5,394,923 in order from least to greatest.
5,343,045; 5,394,923; 5,394,934
Which number would make the equation true?
912,943,102 < ______________
A. 912,933,103
B. 912,943,103
C. 912,943,101
Which digit is in the ten million place value of the number 593,481,003?
Write the word form for 900,320,000.67
nine hundred million, three hundred twenty thousand, and sixty seven hundredths
Order the numbers 495.89, 495.19, 495.81, and 495.12 in order from least to greatest.
495.12, 495.19, 495.81, 495.89
Which number would make the number sentence true?
491,003,010.82 > _____________
A. 491,003,012.80
B. 491,003,010.90
C. 491,003,010.082
C. 491,003,010.082