The value of the 7 in the following number:
What is 700,000 or seven hundred thousand
Word form of 376,425.
What is three hundred seventy-six thousand, four hundred twenty-five?
3x103 in standard form
What is 3,000?
(2 x 9) x 103
What is 18,000?
A human body has about 30 times as many platelets as white blood cells. A small sample of blood has 8 ×103 white blood cells.This is ____________ white blood cells.
What is 8,000?
Ten times as many as 400.
What is 4000?
Expanded notation for 450,207.
What is (4 x 100,000) + (5 x 10,000) + (2 x 100) + (7 x1)?
10 x 10 x 10 x 10 in exponent form
What is 104?
(3 x 9) x 100
What is 27?
Gary mails 104 flyers to clients in one week. This is __________ flyers.
What is 10,000?
1/100 of 800,000.
What is 8,000?
Standard form for five million, two hundred twenty- four thousand, seventy eight.
What is 5,224,078?
7 x 100
What is 7?
(8 x 8) x 103
What is 64,000?
A movie cost $3,254,107 to produce. This digit is in the hundred thousands place.
What is 2?
900 is 1/10 of ___________.
What is 9,000?
Expanded notation for 5,406,281.9
What is (5 x 1,000,000) + (4 x 100,000) + (6 x 1,000) + (2 x 100) + (8 x 10) + (1 x 1) + (9 x .1)?
12 x 104
What is 120,000?
The Florida Everglades welcomes about 3 × 103 visitors per day. Based on this, about _____________ visitors come to the Everglades per week.
What is 3,000?
This is 100 times as much as 700.
What is 70,000?
50,000 is 100 times as many as _____________.
What is 500?
Standard form for:
(9 x 100,000) + (5 x 10,000) + (8 x 100) + (7 x 1)
What is 950, 807?
14 x 103 in word form
What is fourteen times the third power of 10?
How many zeros are in the product (6 × 5) × 103?
What is 4? (30,000)
In an expression, the ____ is the number that tells how many times the ____ is used as a factor.
What is exponent and base? (The answer has to be in this order.)