Write the number Fifty and four hundred one thousandths in standard form.
What is 50.401
The 2 in the __________ place is 100 times as great as the 2 in the thousands place.
hundred thousands
What is 101.
What is 10.
How would you write 104 as a multiplication problem?
10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Write 320.09 in word form.
Three-hundred twenty and nine hundredths
The 5 in the ones place is _______ times less than the 5 in the hundredths place.
555, 555. 555.55
What is 103?
What is 1,000.
Write 100,000 as an exponent.
What is two-thousand, four-hundred thirteen and two-hundred fifty thousandths in standard form?
2, 413.250
The 9 in the millions place is ____________ as great as the 9 in the tenths place.
What is 105?
What is 100,000.
Fill in the blanks. Every time you move to the LEFT on the place value chart, the value of the digit is ______ times ________.
10 greater
What is this number written in standard form?
(5 x 106) + (3 x 105) -+ (2 x 104) _ (2 x 102) + (9 x 101) + (4 x 100) + (3 x 1/10) + (1 x 1/1000)
Which place is 1,000 times as less than the digit in the hundred thousands place?
the digit in the hundreds place
Solve 5 x 101.
What is 50.
The distance to the moon is 238, 900 miles. Write this number in exponential form.
(2 x 105) + (3 x 104) + (8 x 103) + (9 x 102)
What is 300,000 + 50,000 + 2,000 + 800 + 6 + .3 + .008 in word form.
Three-hundred fifty two thousand, eight hundred six and three-hundred eight thousandths.
6 x 108.
What is 600,000,000.
The McLaren Senna costs $958,966! Round this number to the nearest hundred thousand and THEN put that number in exponential form.
Explain the difference between using exponents on the whole number side compared to working with decimals on the decimal side?