Place Value - Place
Place Value -Value
World problems
Ordering Numbers
This is the place for the 3 in 10,375.
What is the hundreds place?
This is the value of 3 in 610,375.
What is 300?
James says 458 > 485. John says 110 = 1,100 and Jo says 632 < 642. Who is correct?
Who is Jo?

David kept track of how many points he scored on his favorite video game. On Monday he scored 18,943 points, on Tuesday he scored 14,873, on Wednesday he scored 18,934, on Thursday he scored 16,983 and on Friday he scored 16,529. Order the days David played his game from LEAST points to MOST points.

What is Tuesday, Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, and Monday


What is the correct order from GREATEST to LEAST?

A) 4,567 - 5,624, - 5,642 - 4,675

B) 5,624, - 5,642 - 4,675 - 4,567

C) 5,642 - 5,624, - 4,675 - 4,567  


This is the place for the 4 in 14,368.
What is the thousands place?
This is the value of the 5 in 15,268.
What is 5,000?

Residents of Carlton hope to raise more than 2,500 for the public library fund. Sam raised $2,200. Lucy raised 2,650. Sassy raised 2,730 and Lilly raised 2,309. Which two residents raised the more than 2,500?

Who is Lucy and Sassy?


At Chick-fil-A, they have 152 biscuits, 654 fries, 534 chicken nuggets, 234 bbq sauces and 332 cookies. List the food in order from LEAST to GREATEST.

What is biscuits, bbq sauces, cookies, chicken nuggets and fries?


What is the correct order from GREATEST to LEAST?

A) 14,567 - 25,624, - 15,642 - 14,675

B) 25,624, - 15,642 - 14,675 - 14,567

C) 15,642 - 14,675 - 14,567 - 25,624


Our state forest in Virginia has 19,535 acres of land. This is how you would write 19,535.

What is nineteen thousand, five hundred thirty-five?

This value of 8 is greater in which of these two numbers, 784,924 or 748,924.
What is 784,924?

Which of these statements are true? 

A.  5,692 < 5,689

B.  6,113 < 6,209

C.  3,599 < 3,500  

D.  298 > 2,988

What is B.  6,113 < 6,209

At Duval Charter Mandarin, there are 7,523 fourth graders, 6,342 second graders, 5,367 first graders, 6,432 fifth graders, 5,673 third graders. List the grades with the most students to the least students. 

What is fourth grade, second graders, second graders, third graders, first graders?


Which set of numbers is ordered LEAST to GREATEST?

A) 872 - 987 - 1,072 - 1,287

B) 1,287 - 1,072 - 987 - 872

C) 1,072 - 1,287 - 987 - 872


How do you write the number six hundred ten thousand, five hundred eighty?
What is 610,580?
Using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, write a number that is the greatest possible number.
What is 543,210?

8,387 is greater than ______. 

Which is correct? 8,738 or 8,287



In the African jungle, there are 5,000 black rhinos, 6,700 cheetahs, 6,600 African wild dogs and 2,600 Eastern gorillas. Order these animals from LEAST to MOST.

What is Eastern gorillas, black rhinos, cheetahs, African wild dogs?

Which set of numbers is ordered LEAST to GREATEST?

A) 22,872 - 22,987 - 21,072 - 21,287

B) 21,287 - 21,072 - 22,987 -22,872

C) 21,072 - 21,287 - 22,872 - 22,987


Virginia has a land area of 42,769 square miles. How many ten thousands are there in the number 42,769?
What is 4?
This is the value of the 5 in 7,581,092.
What is 500,000?

List these numbers in order from greatest to least. 

6,762 - 6,657 - 6,765 6,662 - 6,672 

6,765 - 6,762 - 6,672 - 6,662 - 6,657


Hangzhou, China has a population of 6,390,637. Shenyang, China has a population of 6,315,470. Chile has a population of 6,507,400. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia has a population of 6,369,710. Order these cities from GREATEST to LEAST

What is Chile, Hangzhou, Riyadh, Shenyang


Which order of numbers is from GREATEST TO LEAST?

A) 57,677 - 56,777 - 57,666 - 56,777

B) 56,777 - 57,677 - 56,777 - 57,666 

C) 56,777 - 57,666 - 56,777 - 57,677